Tuesday, December 8

Where is the Justice in Palestine? by Michael Hall

Where is the Justice in Palestine?

If a man robs you

are you allowed redress?

if a man steals your home

are you not with the application of law legally pledged to get it back?

if you are kicked off of your land

are you not destined a right of return?

A nation born from a few voices in a land of many

racist with ethnic hubris and religiously elitist as the world says; oh well, let us walk away from our mandate

what of the people who've been there for millennium

Do they not have human rights and a voice for a vote?

Ethnic cleansing done by a massive,subtle and not so subtle policy since before beginning

Apartheid by barbed wire,check points,papers,repression and an ugly grey wall

Confiscation done on a scale sown into the desert sand since before any of us were born

segregation as one side gets everything first class and the other gets crumbs,left-overs and dirty water

Conquest, occupation,colonization and a squeeze done by a Hebrew anaconda

Military ruler ship so rights are conveniently ignored and swept aside for 'security reasons'

When the bottom line is; this is robbery plain and simple and we are all called upon to shout it it out loud

and for those who are silent your complicity is a crime in itself

Goldstone your report was honest and impartial

but America called it biased and unfair

because the americans fear AIPAC and the truth

And political pockets would suffer a significatn thinning if they didn't cave in

So we must look elsewhere for integrity and morality

And it seems Sweden has stepped up to the plate

For they call for East Jerusalem to be the capital of Palestine

Voices the EU are raised in the pursuit of amal for adl

The smudge of a green line on a scrap of paper called a map

while facts on the ground build pieces hard to dissemble

fingers of a hand on an arm cut off is peace?

but its the heart of a dispossessed people;Jerusalem

Demolitions won't bring constructive talks

confiscations will have to be replaced or returned

destruction of homes,farms,crops must have restitution

and above all only in egalitarianism will peace come

Courage is a faith in justice denied but sought

Faith in a hope that equality will one day cover this land

Empathy for our brothers and sisters will carry the day

Grace in a redemption for one and all

For one day Justice will come to this land


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