Wednesday, November 18

The Grabbing of Gilo by Michael Hall


Another grab of land for settlements

only the blind,deaf and obtuse are surprised

for this is what Israel has been doing even before 1948

They call it facts on the ground

i call it robbery,thievery, a burglary

when you steal what isn't yours isn't that labeled; a crime?

An announcement stated over the wire that it was a routine building programme'

obama was dismayed and called it dangerous

American newspapers never said a word and complicity was silence by MSM

Is this the road to a peaceful end?

How can you negotiate with someone who is stealing even the kitchen sink

Are they going to sell it back after they robbed it?

Land for Peace it's sounds so flowery sounding

Peaceful living side by side, they dangle it like a noose

who in their right mind living here could believe such a thing?

How can you talk to your foe when he wont let go

while his hands are tight around your throat?

Talk is cheap when you ain't got a dime since they stole that too as your being throttled

Tell me folks, how can you negotiate a two-state solution when your left with nothing to make a state with?

How can you live in freedom when the other side imprisons you and calls this the final solution?

Has the world gone crazy to call this justice or the road map to a peace?

The answer then was the solution now

One person, One vote, One nation

let all who live vote from water to water for a nation secular,democratic, all treated equally

what else is there?


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