Thursday, December 3

New Variations on a Few Words with the Zionist-English Dictionary by Michael Hall

Consulting the trusty old Zionist-English Dictionary:

Summer Rain: a)No more water for Gazans,b) confiscation of aquifers for Jewish swimming pools in the settlements,c)water trucks for the Palestinians at 10 times the price the Israelis pay.

Terrorism:a) capturing armed foreign soldiers who are occupying your land,b)children throwing rocks at tanks that are firing at unarmed civilians,schools,UN buildings,Police Stations, factories, mosques,c) protesting at apartheid walls that are being constructed on your land, cutting off farms and cutting towns in two,d) standing up for human rights against the repression,jingoism,occupation,military ruler-ship, of a illegal and immoral occupation colonial power,e) trying rebuild schools,hospitals,water and sewage plants destroyed by the occupation forces,f) Having courage instead of fear in the eyes of the colonized

Legitimate Self Defense: a) Bombing and murdering civilian populations while obliterating their vital civilian infrastructure,b) Murdering Palestinians who are tending their flocks, tending their orchards, walking the streets in their city during the day or night,c) using illegal and immoral weapons on civilians,d) shooting at medics and their vehicles, e) shooting at family members trying to retrieve wounded family members,e) Building walls,erecting barb wire and fences on other people's property,f)lying through their teeth,g) Torturing of women,children and men,h)Throwing in jail of noncombatants without charges or trials.

Democracy: a) a form of a racist,sexist,segregated,Jim Crow-applied, one-sided government that treats non-jews as second class citizens without the benefits of citizenship as it takes their financial responsibilities through taxes,fines & fees without a corresponding benefit in services(schools,sewage,etc),b) Refusing to adhere to and recognize the elections of other people,c) terrorizing other people's freely elected representatives,d)kidnapping other people's freely elected representatives to be used as 'bargiining chips' for present or future concessions,e) assassinating other people's freely elected representatives and officials,f) Hectoring those who are non-jewish,g) controlling all access and travel at whim people who are living in their own land for millennium,h)using the law for stealing,robbing,confiscating,intimidating,bullying,humiliating and generally tyrannizing any non-jew in the holy land


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