Wednesday, November 25

Israel does not exist,never has, and never will by Michael Hall

What is Israel and what is it made of

Is it a democratic and secular nation built and created from the ashes like a phoenix born of 2000 years?

or was it illegally and immorally born by illegal immigrants and then they stole more on the pretext of war?

How can one recognize what doesn't have a right to exist as it ignored indigenous people who lived there for centuries?

Who has the right to grant Briton an mandate over land and people that was not theirs and not their home?

who are they to promise to anyone who will fight for them as they promised to both what turned to be a lie?

this was not a land without a people for a people without a land this is propaganda myth- this land was continuously occupied for millennium

The diaspora is a fairy tale created by white-skinned zionist immigrants

a people who in their personal diary claim to be chosen by a Creator

by a God who made all us equally without nepotism

and with the Torah in one hand a gun in the other do they steal all they claim and desire

Who are these modern day Israelis?

Are they not descendants of the Arabs of the Levant

All this racism that misguides the Jew should be corrected by the truth

and the truth is that the land belongs to no one and yet it belongs to all

Why can a Jew from New York come to Palestine

a Hebrew magic wand is waved and that person becomes a citizen with free land and a gun

while a Palestinian is not allowed to come home even if he has land or a home with a key to the door?

and they call this a democracy when it is segregation,apartheid and impiety

If a Palestinian marries he cannot move, he cannot travel where he wants in his own country

he must pay taxes but he gets second-class services because he is a second-class citizen

He must always carry his 'good boy' papers and verify he is not a terrorist fighting for his country

For he cannot travel some roads or heaven forbid visit a settlement,expand his home or swim at the dead sea

Because this is military ruler-ship by occupation with blockage,colonization,land and water thievery as they get squeezed into a tighter and smaller cage

Yet 3 years back an duly-elected government by a free and fair election was voted in and the price was to be thrown into a prison by the name of Gaza

Ant-Seimitism today is the persecution of Palestinian society and culture by the illegal Israel state

and since the two-state solution is nonviable,one state must be the answer by popular vote and the right to return

Who will recognize was is there now?

a regime that is nuclear armed,violent and unrepentant?

a cult culture that calls itself chosen and superior to all others?

and that my friend is what they used to call the Nazi's


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