Tuesday, November 17

Let Us All Discuss Middle East Peace, but where are the Palestinians? by Michael Hall

Mitchell is coming back to the middle east

strike up the band,clean the streets and lets have a parade

clinton is finished in Pakistan telling others how to fight her terror wars

and they're all coming to Palestine,yippy- yippy-yahoo

i can see it all come to a head at the noble sanctuary

one and all,all and one, let us discuss peace and history

a call to prayers, load up your gun, lotsa room for everyone

but the people with the keys, how come i don't see them around?

With checkpoints and walls to keep us out and another 24/7 curfew in place

i wonder how you can have a dialogue with someone when he has his fingers locked around your throat

how can you discuss peace in your house when your not invited in and you have the key

who can say to whom can have what when its not theirs to give

Everyday, a house is built by those who don't own the land its being built on

Everyday, an ugly grey apartheid wall slithers longer and deeper on land that is not theirs

Everyday, facts on the ground increases the despair from encroachment by people who are never sated

Everyday, fingers are spreading their reach to grasp more and more land and we are running out of room

But mitchell is coming to the middle east to talk peace and happiness

what a fine day that will be with all the pomp,fine meals,drinks, laughter and cigars

but we all know,no one will say much of anything and all will leave first class, but not those who occupy and those who are occupied

nothing at all will get accomplished and they'll go home when it's over with flowers in hand and the Palestinians still under occupation

And another peace process come and gone

another road map of dead ends and promises lost

hopes and dreams quashed by the facts on the ground

Palestine; militarily occupied and slowly ethnically cleansed


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