Tuesday, November 3

What of Palestine by michael hall

What of Palestine

i see bright beautiful kites all over Palestine

riding on the wind

free and glorious

hundreds and hundreds by the tens of thousands

i see Gazans at the Dead sea swimming and playing at the beach

I see ugly grey walls tumbling down

i see a people after 60 years of diaspora; free

i see Hanthala's face and he is now a grown man and smiling most broadly

i hear a million keys open a million doors of a million homes

i hear the doors creak open from those who have returned

i hear the voices of 7 million cry out their freedom

i hear the children laughing and singing

i had a dream and it was deep in the holy land

when all were equal and shared fairly

i had a vision clear as the sky

one nation one people from water to water

but that day is not today

for this day the great city on the hill rails and hectors at the UN for the world to turn its back on crime by its little buddy

on this day another home is demolished,another family kicked out

on this day a Palestinian is shot for refusing to be robbed quietly

and here i am 5000 miles away

with all that i may have and more for the asking in this candy store country

but it ain't enough when i know so many suffer from the lack of so much

my wife says i should worry bout us here,nothing you can you do there

But what of Palestine, i can't sleep at night

What of Palestine, aren't we all Palestinian?

What of Palestine

What of Palestine


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