Thursday, June 10

We're at war...You know!

Michael Hall

Spring warms into summer

Mothers out walking babies in strollers

Women tending their flowers

i see to my garden every sunny morning

24 'insurgents' killed by a predator drone

6000 miles away,what a helluva a shot

What is the score today my son?

What is the date today, Sarge?

Gold in the market is on the rise this afternoon

New jobs are up 100,000

The Lakers beat the Celtics in a heckuva game

My car needs an oil change

The Israeli military just attacked a humanitarian flotilla on memorial day trying to break an illegal blockade

An American student was shot in the forehead 4 times, just to make sure he couldn't talk

The vice president of the USA says the commandos have a right to defend themselves

Just another memorial day, like back in 67 on the USS Liberty when 34 Americans were murdered by the same star of david thugs

The grass is getting higher

My neighbor is going to build a new garage

Have you seen the price of smokes?

Its getting so much harder just to get by,isn't it?

The CIA just announced that killing mothers and children is counter-productive

Guantanamo is white-washed and forgotten while those tortured inside rot

53 cents on the federal dollar is geared for unquestioned militarism

And the untenable debt is passed forward to the suckling breast

i remember a star trek episode many years ago

Two planets at war without the fuss and muss by the horror of devastation and destruction

They made war so nice and clean, it was fought by buttons, knobs, a tally and a smiling newscast

Funny how life imitates art, for here we are, fighting war just like them

Flags i see everywhere, God bless America sniff sniff

And everyone does not dare not to pledge allegiance

To something that is unamerican and immoral, if they only knew

As America attacks,murders,destroys, any, anywhere it wants

Thank God we're the good guys or God would be really pissed-off at us

Don't dare insult the military we hold in such high esteem cheer cheer

For they fight for democracy and freedom while we lose ours at home oh dear

If our boys didn't kill those over there who've never done any harm to us over here

We would have to fight them here for what we do to them over there and that's oxymoron

Another day to honor flag, troops, and state rah rah

the founding fathers would be rolling in their graves spin spin

continual warfare did they not forewarn is the enemy of freedom

for it carries the germ of every evil thought of?

But that's not in the history books anymore thanks to the blue pencils from Texas

As we create our future, we rearrange the past shh shh

White wash and sweep the truth under the rug swish swish

The city on the hill has nothing to feel guilty about exonerate

Its Sunday morn' and we all go to Church

So pious, dressed so fine we're just so full of ourselves

A christian nation that is so unchristlike as the Father pedophiles and the troopers squirm

While silence is golden and acquiescent in mortal sins

Remember the commandment, thou shalt not kill? amen

You know...We're at war?

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