Saturday, June 5

No one is Above the Law, Not Even the 'Exceptional'

This letter is addressed to every American who has taken an oath of office, which requires and demands that you to protect and defend America's Constitution, laws and its people. From the rookie Police Officer and Basic Trainee in the military, to every Senator, House Member and of course to the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America; the President of the United States of America.

On May 31,2010, a horrific crime against humanity took place inside international waters of the Mediterranean Sea by state sponsored Israeli military naval/commando units who violently assaulted an unarmed civilian flotilla delivering desperately needed humanitarian supplies to an imprisoned society, 1/2 of whom are under the age of 18 suffering under an illegal and immoral siege confined within the ugliest open-air prison in the world; Gaza. Using warships, Apache helicopters, stun grenades, machine guns, live ammunition, and other forms of military weaponry, the unarmed ships were fired upon then assailed by heavily armed commandos who murdered 19+ humanitarian workers and wounded dozens more. An American high school student was shot four times in the forehead and once in the stomach while two other Americans were savagely beaten. After this assault, the ships were towed illegally to a foreign port, the civilians were kidnapped,taken hostage, robbed and thrown into prisons. These are facts, not conjectures, nor exaggerations. Atrocities were committed and must be addressed and then redressed to the satisfaction of justice and the rule of law. This was a blatant act of homicide on the high seas, piracy and in of violation of our Arms Export Control and Foreign Assistance Acts for using our supplied military equipment not only against unarmed activists but against American Citizens to which you all are sworn by oath to uphold and protect. By not honoring your oath to the laws of our nation you are in violation of our laws and to your oath. We hereby demand and command that you obey the laws of this nation via the Supremacy law and do something!

Who is above the law? No nation nor person is above the law, all must be held accountable and responsible to the law without exception. Some of the most basic global principles of justice and law were completely ignored in this atrocity which is odious to our beliefs, to what we claim we stand for and to what we fight for. If we proclaim that we hold true to the equality of peoples and nations then how can we allow one nation to do whatever it wants, however it wants, to whomever it wants especially when it's done to our citizens? This then makes a mockery of our laws,values and principles, does it not?

Yet in our media-bias, hypocrisy and double-standards it sickens me to hear many of our elected officials all the way up to the Vice President become mouthpieces for a foreign nation, as they justify the violence and murder acts of armed thugs on the unarmed civilians. As they blame the victim of a crime for defending themselves against overwhelming violence we should be commending these people as heroes for standing up for the same principles and values you swore an oath to defend and protect, to what this country propounds that it stands for. Where lies your loyalties folks, to the Constitution, the principles of basic law and to America citizens or do your hold allegiance to a foreign nation committing atrocities to American citizens? You should be ashamed if you do not speak out against such obvious inhumane actions

In conclusion We don't request, but demand, that every American who has taken an oath of office to the Constitution are obliged to uphold and honor that legal commitment and pledge. We must create an independent international commission to investigate this act of piracy,murder,hostage taking and robbery. We must demand upon this nation compensation,apology and for a break in the blockade of Gaza now and forver. For if you do not, you violate your oath, you abase your morality, you betray the Constitution and you invariably betray those Americans who were beaten,robbed, kidnapped and murdered by the Israeli military whom are then by your inaction and treason virtually stripped of their citizenship and protection thereof. None of us Americans then, are safe anywhere,anytime.

Michael Hall


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