Tuesday, November 3

Occupation by Michael Hall


Does a prisoner have the right to break free from bondage

Do the occupied have the right to overthrow the occupier

Does the slave possess the duty to break out to freedom

Will the victim ever extract himself from the victimizer

Who has the right to self-determination

How long must you live in a land to earn a birthright of sovereignty

What is autonomy when the other side decides what you can and cannot have

Hamas was elected fair and square in the right of democracy,who are you to hypocritically deny

Did the American colonists have the right to kick out the British by violence

Did the Poles have the right to fight attacking Germans

Does Tibet have the entitlement to wrest free from China

Do the Palestinians have the birthright to breakout from a illegal and immoral military occupation

When the strong vandalize and steal from the weak

When the empire swallows a nugget

When the bully hectors the vulnerable

When injustice is law on the books, it is your duty and obligation to dissent,dissuade and disobey

Do the bombarded and assaulted have the the right to self-defense

Does the dispossessed homeowner holding key, have the right not just for redress but also return and compensation

If something is stolen,does not the robbed have the right of return

Does it really matter how many ticks of the clock matter,to make a wrong rectified

Did you ever hear of an underground railroad during the American civil war

Did you know that they have it in Gaza today

They bring in food,water,medicine and other supplies

Stifled and imprisoned as collective punishment for voting the wrong way

Who has the right to bomb homes, schools and hospitals

Who has the audacity to murder children and call this justified

Goldstone's report calls this war crimes and so would any with conscience

Hey Arab brothers why are you so bloody silent

Hanthala is still ten years old and orphaned from his home

62 years old and he still a ragged child

while his cousins fuel the genocide and ethnic cleansing with acquiescence and filled bank accounts

And the crimes accumulate with no end in sight

For occupation,eradication and confiscation continues and it happened again today


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