Tuesday, November 3

Convoy to Gaza -Make a Pledge Today to Break the Siege

Break the siege on gaza, make a pledge today

The PSC is organising a contingent on the Viva Palestina Convoy to Gaza, to break the illegal siege on Gaza which has led to 1.5 million people, living under Israeli occupation, facing starvation, deprivation, displacement and ongoing trauma on a horrendous scale.

The convoy will be entering on the first anniversary of Israel’s assault to deliver much needed aid for the people of Gaza, and fostering links with Palestinians for solidarity work.

Your support is vital to help us break the siege

Five reasons to get involved:

  • 1.5 million Palestinians are blockaded in Gaza. The International Committee of the Red Cross says they are ‘trapped in despair’.
  • 80% of people in Gaza live below the poverty line. 85% are dependent on foreign aid for relief — including food and medical supplies.
  • Israel has severely limited the supply of fresh water in Gaza
  • More than 8,000 homes were destroyed by Israel — its refusal to allow steel and concrete into Gaza has left thousands of families still homeless and living in tents.
  • Israel’s massacre and siege has left up to 50,000 Palestinians needing psycho-social support, and over 5,000 Palestinians were injured, 30% of them permanently disabled.

Please don’t turn your back on the besieged people of Gaza. Get involved today.

Pledge Now —
“I want to help break the siege on Gaza and ensure much needed aid gets there”

To do my part I will:

Donate and fundraise: Make a contribution or organise a fundraising initiative to raise money that will go towards buying an ambulance or much needed aid to take to Gaza.

Come to Gaza: Nothing can fully substitute seeing the full scale devastation in Gaza, and building solidarity by coming back and reporting to friends, colleagues and meetings. Why not consider joining the convoy? The deadline to register is November 6th and there will be a compulsory briefing session on November 7th in Birmingham.

Raise awareness: Organise public meetings, school assemblies, lectures, seminars, film showings to help raise awareness of the ongoing siege in Gaza. Write articles, blogs, make videos and use social networking tools to build momentum behind the convoy.

Volunteer: Contact the PSC office and help with the ‘behind the scenes’ work to ensure the convoy is a success.

Register your support online:

For more information contact PSC via
e: convoy@palestinecampaign.org • t: 020 7700 6192

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