Wednesday, January 16

TOMORROW Thurs. Demo Against Tony Blair & FOR Iraq & Palestine

Subject: Protest Tony Blair on January 17

Please forward widely and urge
activists and community members to
"Go home,
Tony Blair!"

Rally against war and occupation
in Iraq , Afghanistan and Palestine

Thursday, January 17
12:00pm to 1:00pm
Opposite the Westin Harbour Castle Hotel*
1 Harbour Square
(where Bay Street meets Queen's Quay West)

*The rally will take place on the NORTH side
of the street, opposite
the hotel.

By TTC: take TTC to Union ; exit onto Front
Street ; walk east to Bay
Street ; walk south to Queen's Quay.

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair
will be in Toronto on
January 17 to speak to an exclusive meeting
(over $400 per ticket)
organized by TD Bank Financial group.

As prime minister, Blair was the key ally and
backer of George Bush's
wars in Afghanistan and Iraq . On Iraq , Blair
notoriously misled the
British public and world opinion by falsely
claiming that Iraq had
the capacity to launch Weapons of Mass
Destruction (WMDs) within 45

No WMDs were ever found in Iraq . The reasons
given for war proved to
be lies. Since the war began, over one million
Iraqis have been
killed. These are war crimes.

Since his retirement, Blair has continued to
push his disastrous
policies on Palestine as the Middle East "peace"
envoy - once again,
supporting Bush's plans for wider US control
of the region.

It was Blair's unconditional support for Israel
's war on Lebanon in
2006 - and his refusal to support a ceasefire
- that led to a revolt
within his own party, eventually forcing him
to announce his date of
departure from politics.

Join us to rally for an end to the occupations
in Afghanistan , Iraq
and Palestine - and to condemn the pro-war
policies of Tony Blair.

Organized by the Toronto Coalition to
Stop the War.
To endorse, please e-mail

The Toronto Coalition to Stop the War is
Toronto 's city-wide anti-
war coalition,
comprised of more than fifty labour,
faith and community
and a member of the Canadian Peace Alliance. stopthewar@sympatic

Please donate! Send a cheque or money
order payable to TCSW Canada to:
TCSW, 427 Bloor St W, Box 13 , Toronto , Ontario M5S 1X7

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