Wednesday, January 16

Canada puts U.S. & Israel on torture watch list: So why is The Government of Canada being 2 faced.

Finally confirming
what we already knew!

"United States and
named on torture list
But it appears that
Ottawa may
have had second thoughts
about being so explicit.
After the documents were
released as
evidence in a court case
relating to Afghan
detainees, the government
tried to get them
back. (oh so slow)
Sources say that
Ottawa apparently
wanted to black out
sensitive parts that
may anger allies."

So knowing this why are Canadians dying
in Afghanistan for The United States
Government & why does Canada still fund
Israel. How 2 faced can one get? And why
does Canada allowing the continued lock up
and torture of a Canadian Citizen?
How much is Harper and his Federal
counterparts kissing the ass of George Bush
and Israel along with their supporters.

What will the Canadian Government do now that
they have acknowledged the truth?

Omar Khadr's lawyers say they can't understand
why Canada is not doing more to help their client

in light of new evidence that Ottawa has put the
U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on a watch
list for torture.

Khadr -- a Canadian citizen who was just 15-years
-old when he was captured in Afghanistan more than
five years ago and taken to Guantanamo --
has been tortured at the prison.
Now, CTV News has obtained documents that
put Guantanamo Bay on a torture watch list.

Khadr's U.S. military lawyer says the new
documents contradict Harper's assurances
that his client is receiving fair treatment.

"Omar has certainly been abused, his rights
have been violated under international law,
and apparently the Canadian government
has reason to believe that's true, and yet,
they've acted not at all to assist him,"
William Kuebler told CTV News.

Khadr's lawyers say suspicions of torture
undermine claims that he can get a fair trial
from the military commission in
Guantanamo Bay. They want him
sent back to Canada to face justice here.
But the government has said he's charged
with serious crimes and they are waiting
for the U.S. judicial process to play itself out.

Canada's new focus on torture was ordered
by the inquiry into Maher Arar's nightmare
in Syria. U.S. authorities sent Arar --
a Canadian of Syrian ancestory --
to Syria after he made a brief stopover in
New York in 2002. They wrongly accused
him of having links to terrorism in large
part because of information provided by
the RCMP.

Arar was sent to a Syrian prison where he
was tortured for nearly a year. An inquiry
into the Arar affair ordered a new focus on
torture, and CTV News has learned that,
as part of a "torture awareness workshop,"
diplomats are now being told where to watch
for abuse.

The aim of the workshop: to teach diplomats who
visit Canadians in foreign jails how to tell if
they've been tortured. It also listed countries
and places with greater risks of torture.
The list includes Syria, Iran, Afghanistan,
and China. But surprisingly, it also included
the United States, Guantanamo Bay, and Israel.

It notes specific "U.S. interrogation techniquies,"
which include "forced nudity, isolation, and sleep
deprivation." The U.S. has repeatedly denied
allegations by international groups that it
tortures prisoners captured in places like
Afghanistan and Iraq. However, U.S. officials
have refused to comment on the Canadian list.

But international observers say they are
heartened by the specificity of the Canadian list.
Alex Neve of Amnesty International says he list
surprised that Canada would risk offending
allies by naming countries that potentially
torture prisoners.

"These are countries where, sadly, the record
is clear -- torture and ill treatment happens,"
said Neve.

But it appears that Ottawa may have had
second thoughts about being so explicit.
After the documents were released as
evidence in a court case relating to Afghan
detainees, the government tried to get them
back. Sources say that Ottawa apparently
wanted to black out sensitive parts that
may anger allies.

Khadr -- who was born in Toronto --
was captured in 2002 after a battle with
U.S. forces in which an American soldier
died. He's accused of war crimes, but critics
have alleged the U.S. military court that is
trying him violates U.S. and international
law. Khadr is the only Western citizen
remaining at Guantanamo Bay.

A war crimes trial has never been held against
anyone under the age of 18. International
observers have questioned Ottawa's decision
not to help Khadr, who many believe is no
different than child soldiers victimized in


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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:12 pm

    They are being two-faced because you people are dangerous. Just like you say good dog to a rampaging pit bull in hopes it will leave you alone, nations concerned for their citizens welfare must assume a congruent posture with the USA these days.
