Monday, March 31

From The Rebuilding Alliance

Dear Friends

I am writing to convey a gentle, determined invitation
from Haj Sami Sadek, the Mayor of Al Aqabah, asking
your help to save his kindergarten and his village from
imminent demolition.
Their petition goes before the
Israeli High Court on April 17, 2008 --
To hold on to hope,
the kindergarteners of Al Aqabah started making
Pinwheels for Peace - and they with their mayor
invite you to make one too.

Make your own pinwheel and email the
kindergarteners and Haj Sami Sadek at Then tell
a friend or two, show your children's teacher,
then call your senators and representatives,
and show your pinwheel to a reporter at your
local newspaper. Need more info?
Call me at 1- 650 - 325- 4663

Everyone -- the attorney for Al Aqabah (Elia Tusya Cohen),
the desk officer at the U.S. State Department in Washington
DC, Rebuilding Alliance board members
(incl. Cindy Corrie and hon. board member Craig Corrie),
colleagues at Gush Shalom and ICAHD -- says the same
thing: Get this story into newspapers everwhere,
and get Senators, Congresspersons, and elected
representatives everwhere to call the Israeli
Embassy to express concern.

That's what it will take to save this village.

130 children attend kindergarten in Al Aqabah
the only kindergarten in this lost and damaged region, on
the edge of the Jordan River Valley in the West Bank,
Palestine. Another 70 boys and girls go to Al Aqabah's
primary school. After the Rebuilding Alliance finished
rebuilding the kindergarten in 2004
Amir Terkel's sparkling short film),
the Japanese Embassy, Belgian Embassy and the people
of Norway added a second floor! Here's
what it looks like today:
The 2 story kindergarten in Al Aqabah!

Court-ordered negotiations with the Israeli Army have
all failed so the Israeli High Court will hear the case on
April 17th. As Jeff Halper of ICAHD explained
in the film,
"Here, we are fighting the whole legality and the morality
of the Israeli government demolishing the homes of
Palestinians. In general demolishing homes, but
here demolishing with ABSOLETUELY NO REASON
-- there's no security reason, it's not state land, it's not
public land, it is not bothering anybody. It is purely,
purely land owned by the local people
for their own benefit."

Mayor Haj Sami Sadek invites you to make a
"Pinwheel for Peace" and help save the
Kindergarten in Al Aqabah

The instructions are simple -- and there's even a
Quicktime movie that shows you how: "Write your
thoughts about war and peace, tolerance, living in
harmony with others on one side of the pinwheel.
On the other side of the paper, paint, collage or
draw to visually express your feelings."

Please let us know your progress. In the days and
weeks ahead, we'll keep you posted with news from
the village of Al Aqabah, templates for your calls/letter
to elected officials, – and news from adults and children
everywhere who are determined to save our kindergarten.

In Rebuilding Peace,

Donna Baranski-Walker
Executive Director & Founder
The Rebuilding Alliance, 650 325-4663

P.S. We need extra help and talent to save this town.
To join the organizing committee
(we'll meet via teleconference call each week),
call me. To get help forming a constituent committee
to join you in meeting with your congressional staffers,
call me. If you are good at writing press releases, calling
media, updating web pages, or posting to Facebook
or Myspace, call me. If you can visit Al Aqabah,
call me: 650 325 4663 or email us at
If you are near
Palo Alto California, stop by our office.

If this rebuilding work and village saving
is of value to you, please


The Rebuilding Alliance is a 501c3 nonprofit
organization (EIN 56-239 h2452).
Donations are tax deductible in the U.S.

The Rebuilding Alliance

457 Kingsley Avenue
Palo Alto, California 94301
United States

phone: 650 325-4663
fax: 650 325-4667


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