Sunday, March 7

ACTIONs: Mazin Qumsiyeh Under Threat of Arrest - HELP - No Jewish-only Settlement in Beit Sahour

Within a matter of days we have to get a big public campaign going to put pressure on the Israeli government to get them to stop threats against Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh.  He is being targeted because he is active in his home town of Beit Sahour, Palestine in trying to stop a Jewish-only settlement from being built in his West Bank city.   He is currently in the U.S. on a speaking tour.  However, on March 2 at 1:30 a.m. the streets around his home in Beit Sahour were surrouned by Israeli army vehicles and soldiers came to his house only to be informed that he was out of the country.  We fear that when he returns this month he will be put in Administrative Detention, months without charges or trial under awful conditions.
For more details and a list of all the things we must do please go to   We should be able to prevail here.  After all our President has called for a settlement freeze!!!
Go back to TheStruggle frequently as we will be doing constant updates.

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