the Zionists, imperials, and other delusional characters. Major obstacles also include
the silent majority who are complicit (because they pay taxes and buy products that ultimately support occupation and oppression) and who by their silence essentially allow the atrocities to continue. Many of these people also do not understand that individuals can make a difference (if they do understand then their silence is even less excusable).
No major social movement in the world occurred while the majority was apathetic. Think of getting the right of women to vote, ending apartheid in South Africa, ending the war on Vietnam, ending the regimes of so many dictators, environmental protection laws, labor laws, social security, the civil rights movement in the US, and on and on. As so many good people have said in so many ways, that WE must be the change we iwsh to see in this world. And yes, you and I can and must do it. In fact it is criminal not to when you know you can make a difference. And everyone can make a difference. Millions of people represent millions of current "candles in the darkness". But this can be billions and those who join in this bigger struggle find their lives far more fulfilling.
According to Haaretz: "In their talks 10 days ago, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert agreed to a proposal by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to allow the United States to serve as arbitrator to negotiations between the two sides regarding the implementation of the road map" This seems like a sick joke. People should read Naseer Aruri's book "Dishonest Broker" about the US role and policies (no more and no less than what the Israel-first lobby in Washington dictates).
And Blair, representative of imperial Britain that facilitated the Zionist project and the war on Iraq to serve Zionist goals now is now a "peace envoy". What next? Donald Rumsfeld as a nominee for the Nobel Peace prize (ya ya I know hey gave it to Henry Kissinger too). Our memories are not short.. Here is what Winston Churchil then colonial secretary, replied to a Palestinian delegation at the government House in Jerusalem, 31 March 1921:
"... I draw your attention to the second part of the Balfour declaration emphasising the sacredness of your civil and religious rights. I am sorry you regard it as valueless. It is vital to you, and you should hold and claim it firmly. If one promise stands, so does the other. We shall faithfully fulfil both....Examine Mr. Balfour`s careful words, Palestine to be "a national home" and not THE national home, a great difference in meaning. The establishment of a national home does not mean a Jewish Government to dominate the Arabs. Great Britain is the greatest Muslim State in the world, and is well disposed to the Arabs and cherishes their friendship... WE CANNOT TOLERATE THE EXPATRIATION OF ONE SET OF PEOPLE BY ANOTHER. The present form of Government will continue for many years. Step by step we shal develop representative institutions, leading to full self-government, but our children`s children will have passed away before that is completed"
Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SA,
Now Olmert, Blair, Sarkozy, and Bush are on the same page of endless talk about having the fiction of "two states": that is a "Jewish state for the Jewish people" (on 80% of Palestine) and "a Palestinia State for the Palestinian People" (on remaining Bantustans/Ghettos surrounded by walls, ditches and electrified fences). In other words, repackaging Israeli apartheid by calling it peace.
Meanwhile, a crime against humanity in the form of the largest prison/ghetto in the world being starved of water and electricity (see Amira Hass report in Haaretz
On a more proactive news from those who do not merely dream, an open letter from a number of Canadian groups addressed to Mahmoud Abbas asks him not to compromise on Palestinian rights:
People all over the world are being awakened despite the Zionist lobby's attempt to silence and intimidate. In many cases, these efforts to silence backfire as they cause people to reflect on why free speech is being suppressed. In the tree of life conference in Old Lyme (attended by nearly 200 people), the 4-5 Zionists had to really think hard about how to challenge an 82 year old Auschwitz survivor, a gentle Jewish man who said Israel is not a Jewish State but a Zionist state and Zionism is the antithesis of the best element of Judaism. In page 112 of Hajo's book, we find this statement:
"In my opinion, this type of talk [using imagery of the Nazi atrocities to justify endless wars] represents a shameless and tactless exploitation of collective traumatic experience by Zionist leaders, the aim of which is to cover up criminal deeds of aggression towards another people. It is also deeply ironic since the large majority of those Jews who were murdered during the holocaust were more antagonistic than sympathetic twards the whole Zionist enterprise. The majority of those coming from Central and Western Europe were enlightened modern citizens with humanitarian ideals who would turn in their graves if they knew how their suffering is being exploited for aggressive Zionist purposes" (Hajo Myer, "An Ethical Tradition Betrayed: The End of Judaism, GMeyer Publishers).
The brilliant young Jewish author Anna Baltzer also spoke at the Tree of Life conference. Anna then moved to Rhode Island where Zionist groups tried to heckle here but only succeeded in making her message of peace based on justice resonate more with growing audiences (see one report in the Providence Journal at
(see Anna's website and invite her to speak to your community http://www.AnnaInTheMiddleEast
Here are more links for this week's message:
Israel's Dilemma in Palestine: A Land With People, For a People with a Plan By Dr. LUDWIG WATZAL
Excellent Website: Palestine family (you can register and upload information)
Discussions of the Israel lobby and its influence that you won't see anywhere else:
Silence is compliciy
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