Monday, April 7

If Americans Knew

It’s not a coincidence that Pro-Israel Jewish Americans,
like Eliot Abrams, Dennis Ross, and Martin Indyk, are usually
appointed in charge of Middle East policy, especially the
Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Three elements of a criminal investigation are motivation,
means, and opportunity. Evidence is gathered to fill in the
details in each of these categories. Anomalies, contradictions,
and gaps in that evidence suggest that a probable scenario for
9-11 is a false flag operation in which the perpetrator tries to
place blame for a criminal act on an innocent individual or group.

A False Flag Operation? The discovery of a connection between
Mohammed Atta and Abu Nidal in Iraq is interesting more for
who it implicates as perpetrator of a false flag operation.
Since Abu Nidal has been implicated as an asset of the Israeli
Mossad, this becomes part of the evidence pointing the finger
of guilt at Israel as the perpetrator of 9-11 because of the
attempt to mask their involvement with false information
that points toward their Arab enemies, especially
Saddam Hussein.

"Al-Qaeda " is a name coined by Richard Clarke in 1998 and
his revelations about the Bush Administration's dismissal of
al-Qaeda prior to 9-11 are part of a carefully choreographed
disinformation campaign to grind the al-Qaeda legend deeper
into the mind of the American sheeple. Add a little
"opposition" from the right and the left thinks they have
a whistleblower. Soon "progressives" are buying Clarke's
book and lavishing praise for his "courageous plea for
forgiveness" for failing the American people. It makes
great theater and the unaware and hapless buy the con,
hook, line and sinker. The false flag operation gains more
credibility as the Official Conspiracy Theory.

Motivation: There are many possible ways that implementing
9-11 would motivate Israel to shift attention from Zionist
atrocities in Palestine and to further exacerbate peace and
tranquility in the region. With a track record of "Mission
Impossible" successes such as inducing the US to bomb
Libya, their attack on the USS Liberty to attempt to blame
Egypt, and installing one of their own as President of the
United States and helping him goad Japan into attacking
Pearl Harbor, and their willingness to even sacrifice their
own people for the cause of furthering the State as they
did in World War II, Zionists have succeeded over the
centuries in demonstrating their cold cruelty and
efficiency at murder, massacre and manipulation.

Means: With the backing of the US Treasury, funding from
Zionist International Financiers, and Zionist collusion in
drug running, arms sales, child prostitution, pornography,
and money laundering world wide, Zionist Israel has
acquired the means to carry out any covert or overt
operation anywhere in the world.

Opportunity: They have access to US communications,
consumer data, and business transactions, control of most
of the US media, banks, courts, politicians, military, industry,
commerce, shipping, and education. Many who pledge their
allegiance first to Zion and secondly to the USA are embedded
in government at all levels and all departments as well as in
corporations, the military, communications, universities and
foundations. This is how they brought down the Russian
democracy in 1917 and the German Kaiser in 1918.

Someone who had infiltrated into government agencies knew
that NORAD would be simulating a foreign hijacked airliner
crash into a building in the northeastern USA on 11 September
2001 and likely passed it on to the real terrorists. As a result,
they could take advantage of a scheduled exercise as cover
for the real thing. Who could do that and organize a
sophisticated, precision false flag operation? Perhaps the
most efficient covert operations group in the world,
the Mossad.

A central actor in this massive morality play is a dual citizenship
rabbi, Dov Zakheiim who has penetrated the top echelons of
the American bureaucracy. Beginning with the Reagan
Administration, Dr. Zakheim has worked in the Pentagon as
its comptroller, in charge of the military budget, a budget that
has been found to be missing over one trillion dollars for which
no one can account In a document called "Rebuilding America's
Defenses" published by The American Enterprise's
"Project for a New American Century"(1), SPC International
executive, Dov Zakheim, called for a 'Pearl Harbor' type of
incident being necessary to foster the frame of mind needed
for the American public to support a war in the Middle East
that would politically and culturally reshape the region. A
respected and established voice in the intelligence community,
his views were eagerly accepted, and Dov went from his
position at Systems Planning Corporation to become the
Comptroller of the Pentagon in May 2001. (2) Tridata, a
subsidiary of Systems Planning Corporation, was in charge
of the investigation after the terrorist attack on the
World Trade Center in 1993.

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