Description: John Pilger is touring Canada next week (visit for details). He joins CKUT (90.3 fm in Montreal) in conversation about his 50-years of work as a journalist, his upcoming tour, and the ability of reporters today to cover the actions of governments.
MP3 Audio (21:20)
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights is proud to present the world renowned journalist, author and documentary filmmaker, John Pilger.
John Pilger will be launching his latest book "Freedom Next Time" in Montreal, Ottawa, and Toronto (Nov. 12th-17th). He will also offer a premier screening of his latest documentary "The War on Democracy" in Montreal as part of the official program of RIDM (Rencontres
internationales du documentaire de Montréal).
"Breaking the Silence" will also be screened in three cities across eastern Canada.
Tickets are limited and cost 10$ for students and 20$ for others.
"The War on Democracy" - Canadian Premier in Montreal with John Pilger
* Monday Nov 12th * Montreal, Quebec. Concordia University @ 7:30PM
Room H-110, 1455 De Maisonneuve W.
Co-hosted with RIDM (Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal) and Cinema Politica @ Concordia
TICKETS can be purshased by calling 514-839-7335
"Breaking the Silence " John Pilger tours in three cities
* Tuesday Nov 13th * Montreal, Quebec. McGill University @ 7:30PM ,
Room 204, McConnell Engineering Building, 3480 University St. ( TICKETS
can be purshased by calling 5149915146.
* Thursday Nov 15th * Ottawa, Ontario. Ottawa University @
7:30PMRoom STE B138, 800 King Edward Avenue.(TICKETS can be purshased by calling 613-291-1970 or 613-263-7677)
* Saturday Nov 17th * Toronto, Ontario. Ryerson University @ 7:30PMRoom # LIB 72 (Library Building) , 350 Victoria Street.(TICKETS can be purchased at the Member Services Desk (main floor) in the Ryerson Student Campus centre. SCC is located at 55 Gould Street.RU campus)
"Freedom Next Time" Book Synopsis:
John Pilger is one of the world's pre-eminent investigative journalists and documentary film-makers. His best-selling books of reportage, which include "Heroes and Hidden Voices", have in the words of Noam each of which a long struggle for freedom has taken place; in each the people, having shed blood and dreams, are still waiting. In Afghanistan, Iraq and South Africa there has been the promise of hope, and even Chomsky 'been a beacon of light in often dark times'. In "Freedom Next Time", he looks at five countries, in an 'official' freedom, but the reality of these divided societies is that they are still waiting for real freedom. In Palestine, the cycle of violence continues with no resolution in sight. And the island of Diego Garcia, in the Indian Ocean, is a microcosm of the ruthlessness of great powers. The island was sold by
the British to the American military in the 1960s. The indigenous population, descended from slaves, were forcibly removed to the slums of Port Louis in Mauritius. They have continued to fight for the return of their homeland ever since - three years ago the High Court granted them
the right of return, but this has subsequently been blocked. The island remains the US's third biggest military base; a base from which they are able to launch attacks against the Middle East. Once again John Pilger gives a voice to the people living through these momentous times and, in gripping detail, shows us the lives behind the headlines.
The War on Democracy
It is John Pilger's first major film for the cinema - in a career that has produced more than 55 television documentaries. Set in Latin America and the US, it explores the historic and current relationship of Washington with countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia and Chile. "The
film tells a universal story," says Pilger, "analysing and revealing, through vivid testimony, the story of great power behind its venerable myths. It allows us to understand the true nature of the so-called war on terror".
For more info
Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies in the War on Terror
Vermont International Film Festival
Bellingham Human Rights Film Festival
Freedom Cinema Festival
"Astonishing...should be required viewing in every home, school and
office. With facts bristling from his fingertips, Pilger revised the
Bush/Blair version of events leading up to the conquest of Iraq to
reveal an agenda of unprovoked aggression, excused and obscured by
ruthless manipulation of September 11." The Guardian (UK)
For more info
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