Monday, April 7

Rice, "The neighborhood" and Send Message CONGRESS

Eileen Fleming

*April 1, 2008: No joke; that really was me on
PRESS TV, from Tehran, Iran Sunday 2-3PM EST.

On January 23, 2008, Senator Obama sent a letter
to Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. Ambassador to the United
Nations, about a proposed Security Council resolution
on the situation in Gaza.

Obama focused on condemning Palestinian rocket attacks
against Israel, but made no mention of the ongoing
Israeli bombardments and raids that have killed
hundreds of innocent residents of Gaza, as well as the
calculated Israeli policy of denying the necessities of
life - food, clean drinking water, medicines, medical care,
school supplies, and the energy needed to power sewage
treatment plants and hospital operating rooms -
to all 1.5 million open air prisoners, of whom more
than half are children.

Obama wrote that "Israel is forced to do this."
Obama denounced Hamas as a terrorist organization,
and ignored its repeated offers of a long-term truce
with Israel - offers the Israeli government has repeatedly
immediately rejected, although polls show that more
than 60 percent of Israel's own population favors
negotiations with Hamas.

Not Obama, not McCain and not Clinton have offered
even a word of criticism of Israel, or of sympathy
for the people of Gaza.

This is not "change we can believe in" or a change
that can begin the world again…might this time we
see that the world is our country, that all man and
woman kind are our sisters and brothers. Might we all
do good; be merciful and just, as our religions inform us
of. Might our media seek to ask the questions too many
of we the people, do not even know to ask. Might our
politicians be beholden to we the people and to no
other government.

We the people in the land of the free and home of the
brave, have it in our power for a very brief moment before
we elect a president who will maintain the status quo...
Yeah, we can do that, we can elect a politician beholden
to the Military Industrial Complex, or we can say, no,
not this time...


Take action -- click here to contact your local newspaper or congress people:
Talking with the 'enemy'

Only in Solidarity do "we have it in our power to begin the world again."-Tom Paine


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