Saturday, February 20

The first time I agree with anything Zionist

The land of the Bible belongs to the people of the Bible.
they said !!!

This is the first time in my 61 years
that I agree with a slogan
written by the Zionists and for the Zionists.

Unless the People of the Bible were
the Fallasha´s of Ethiopia
or Vikings from Latvia and Lithuania
or Slavic from Poland, Russia
or Turkmen from Khazaria.

Maybe this Land of the Bible belongs to :
Barbara Streysand, Paul Neuman,
Kirk Douglas,Betty Middler
Samy Davis Jr, Baron Rottchild
not to forget Madona.....!!
(and Ted Turner).

today the 20th. February 2010
and for the first time ever ,
I agree ,for once, with something
the Zionists have said or written.

"The Land of the Bible belongs to the people of the Bible ".
meaning :
Ismail Haniyyah , Hanan Ashrawee
Geroge Habash , Mahmoud Darwish
Edward Saiid, Moustafa Barghouthy
Mounir K. Haddad, Leila Khaled
Zahi Damuni,Samia Saleh
my aunt Ikhlass....
and 4 million others !!

Raja Chemayel
on the day I agreed with anything zionist !!

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