Tuesday, March 9

Who is a Jew ??

How to convert blood ??

What happens to a Jew
who once has decided to follow Jesus
is he then no more a "chosen" ??

What happens to a Jew
who once has decided to follow Jesus
and later embraced Islam ?
would he then be, "twice-no-more-chosen" ??

What happens to a European-white-Pageant
who decided in the 7Th or in the13Th century
to convert to Judaism.......
does he then become a "chosen" , also ??
does he get Palestine ?? as a bonus.
does he may discriminate any non-chosen ??
does he get semitic-blood via a Torah-infusion ??
does he may call Abraham : Grand-father !! ??
does he cross the Red-Sea without getting wet ??

Who is a Jew , and what is a Jew ??
what makes a Jew ?? his blood or his faith ??

What makes an Israeli ?? Greed or Colonialism ??

Should all the Jews become Israelis ??
I see many Israelis who are not even Jews !!!
and 86% of Jews worldwide ,
are not even Semites , neither.

Raja Chemayel
a non-chosen-Semite

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