Thursday, October 1

how come we called them " the Jews "
Jews, disembarking
to become Israelis

On your TV screen you will see, repeatedly ,
Arabs calling the Israelis : the Jews

I am certain that most of the Arabs , of all generations,
do know the difference between Jews and Israelis , by now,
but nevertheless they still use the term "Jews"
as a matter of habit , especially by the elder Palestinians.

What has happened ??

At the beginning of the 20Th Century , Arabs in general
and the Palestinians peculiarly , have seen the influx
of European-Jews into their Palestine.............

Until May 1948 the term Israel and or Israelis
what not yet used ..............and those immigrants
whether legal or illegal were Jews
and thus they were logically called : " the Jews"
instead of the Polish,Ukrainian,Hungarian or the French.

Practically and until 1948 there was no reason to call them
Israelis or Israeli-citizens simply because there was no
State of Israel , as we later have noticed it quite well
and quite remorsefully, too.

Therefore ,
many Arabs still use the old term of the Jews
like most of the older Westerners still use the word "Icebox"
to say Refrigerator.

Incidentaly , I grew up in Beirut ,
where "Refugee" means Palestinian......

Have no fear !!
Arabs are rarely racists ,
and Arabs historically never ever harmed the Jews
until , our self defence struggles, which started in 1948.

So next time when you hear an Arab on TV ,cursing the Jews ,
you will trust me and understand that he simply means "Israelis".

Now , why do Arabs hate the Israelis ??
is another story
which is not at all difficult to explain !!!

Sherlock Hommos

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  1. Recommended reading:

    The colonial character of the Zionist project
    Saturday, January 24, 2009
    By: Mazda Majidi

    Plus a favorite quote:

    "… the large majority of those Jews who were murdered during the holocaust were more antagonistic than sympathetic towards the whole Zionist enterprise. The majority of those coming from Central and Western Europe were enlightened modern citizens with humanitarian ideals who would turn in their graves if they knew how their suffering is being exploited for aggressive Zionist purposes." – Dr. Hajo Meyer, Auschwitz survivor and author of The End of Judaism: An Ethical Tradition Betrayed

  2. Hana Rustom Archbold11:30 pm

    With all their nasty works, my question would be how could there be a human being who like them???

    Hana Rustom Archbold
