Thursday, October 1

The Grey Wall of Shame

Mike Hall

We rode near the 'security barrier' when we first entered the holy land

The rabbi said it is being built to keep their cousins from the milk and honey

Yet when i went to see it up close and personal

It was no more than an oppressive prison wall straight out of Dachau

This sentinel of segregation is high and mighty

It's imposing face grim and ugly

Guarded by tinted-glass grey watchtowers

Manned by green-clad child-soldiers with black guns, high-tech cameras and occasional pompous glee with random shootings

They said it was for security

They spun their spurious rationalizations till the truth became faint and sick with nausea

The reality being, it is camouflaged annexation built to steal and rob, squeeze and intimidate

The fact is, this wall imprisons a people for the prime purpose of ethnic cleansing

Like isolated islands of coerced and hectored reservations in the rolling hot desert

Choked and constricted from swimming pool settlements from above

As these outposts dump raw sewage down pipes on the dry villages and dusty towns

Secured by roadblocks, checkpoints, and deadly firepower with head-shots a specialty

This apartheid wall is an icon of iniquity and shame

for it keeps families from families

Neighbors from neighbors

Children from their schools

Hospitals from the ill and lame

This monstrosity separates Shepard's from their herds

Blocks farmers form their ancestral fields and hallowed grounds

For this insatiable concrete constrictor grows and squeezes

Devouring groves and slaughtering livelihoods without care nor remorse

This barricade of segregation, nepotism and elitism

This fixture of compliant discomfiture for the entire world as the vast majority turn a blind eye afraid of being called anti-semtic

Tell me where are the voices who are so deafening silent during this continuing crime against justice,G_D and humanity

Being anti-semtic is allowing this to happen to the Semites who never left the holy land; the Palestinians yolked by Hebrew Chauvinism

Yet if i could, i should strive with all my might to clean up this grey feces

i would, with my friends, with the children and all those affected

Walk up to this unholy nightmare and strip it bare brick by brick

We should disassemble and dismantle this iniquity gently without hate, without rage and gather the bits and pieces into piles

From the bricks of concrete and steel we would build homes,hospitals and schools

from the hate that built this militarily-ruled punitive complex we would replace it with forgiveness,tolerance and compassion

Ah yes,we could heal the wounded land and replant the seeds of olives ,grapes, mint and oranges

Those we feed tomorrow by what we sow here today

This is my dream, the dream of so many, this is the faith in the hope of Adalaha for Hanthala that will one day bridge over this immorality, this epitome of cruel unethical captivity

Yet in good sooth, freedom won't come by my hands nor by yours

No, the hands, hearts, and minds that will heal this harm will come from the hands that built this and from those who suffer from it

And that day will come someday soon one day to this tortured land and people


One person

One vote

Becomes One nation


When all the walls fall in the holy land

With Egalitarianism for one and all

From the south of Lebanon

To the Negev

From the Mediterranean Sea

To the Jordon River

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