Tuesday, March 9

Joseph goes to Israel

Benjamin Netanyahu (left) and Joe Biden shake hands in Jerusalem 
(9 March 2010)
Who is visiting , whom ??

Vice President Joseph Biden
is visiting Israel.....
in his press conference with  Nathaniahu
he declared that the Safety and Security of Israel
is the prime concern of the USA
and secondly that there is no "gap "  between
the USA and Israel........unquote

Therefore , I urge to Hezbollah
to send their rockets,  no more to the South
but Eastwards ..........
over the Mediterranean and over  the Atlantic.

Thus it is legal for Arabs, as from now on ,
to consider the USA as an enemy.

And on an optimistic note , Joe Biden  added
that he shall now shuttle between
Jerusalem and Ramallah,
to promote the Peace.........................(talks).

( the distance between Ramallah and Jerusalem
equals the length of 23 football-stadiums
which are 3 minutes.................. by Helicopter )

We all wish to Joe Biden a lot of wisdom
and perseverance in this delicate
and very innovative visit.

Eng. Moustafa  Roosenbloom
Manager of the Ramallah-Circus Inc.

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