Friday, November 13

REPETITION !! How come it stopped , completely and simultaneously ???

About half a dozen of my "readers" have somehow complaint
about the content of what I wrote here below...........
I suspect that those "readers"were to be Moles ,
planted to control and report on what we all write.
Never mind !!
probably we have also our Moles , on the other side .
But the fact that this text disturbed them more than any other ,
I shall re-forward again.
May I also suggest that some of you , spread and forward further ???
The best text , is the one that hurts !!! not the one that pleases...
Suddenly,... .........
the Mossad stopped working overtime !!

We know two distinct entities ,
and we also know that one of them has a sole-decision- making ,
one command and one central-control. ......

the other entity in known to have a multitude of leaders
a numerous and split-sub-organisat ions
and a proven-chaotic- divided -leadership.

Call the First "A"......... . or simply the State Israel
and the second "B" ......or simply the Palestinian nation
(to avoid hypocrisies)

let us concentrate on the Occupied Palestine
where we shall undoubtedly notice that the so-called
"Suicide-Bombings" ....
have suddenly and collectively stopped !!!
and completely and collectively !!

Indeed the last 18 to 24 months we did not see any of those ,
so called , "Suicide-bombings" .

What can we conclude ??

1-Those suicide bombings were consequently controlled
and decided and ordered from one central organ ,
like for example the Mossad...... ..
2- The second possibility is that
Hamas , Al Aqsa Brigades , Fateh , the PDLP
and the PFLP and all the other splinter-groups
have agreed collectively. stop .
all this at a time when they cannot agree on
anything else , like the election results
or even the placement of a traffic-sign- lamps.

I repeat :
fact NR,1
the Bombings stopped completely and simultaneously
fact NR,2
The State of Israel has a central-command- structure
while the Palestinians never have had one.....ever !!

Sherlock Hommos
Dedectives sans Frontieres

NB :

there is a striking resemblance
with the Lebanon....

where it also has stopped !!!
simultaneously and completely
and suddently !!!!

while the Lebanon has 31 leaders ,
and 24 political-parties
and 6 militias
and 5 mafias
and 23 sects
and all existing Palestinian factions

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