if there is a Santa,
then he must be Finnish !!
if there are Israelis ,
then they must be Polish !!!
How long does it take me to prove
that the Israelis of the 20Th. Century
are not at all the same " Israelites "
mentioned in the Bible
mentioned in the Old-Testament ??.
If you would doubt my words
please, allow a DNA test
on all the Israelis
or even test only 10%
of those modern-Israelis !!
One thing is sure and certain:
Israelis,today, are at least made of
20 different people/races/ethnic-groups/
The day the Jewish emigrants set foot
on Palestinian-soil:
they had different-languages
even different-clothing.
Meaning that they were not "one"
but "many"
therefor they cannot be ,those one people,
from the fairy-tales of the "Israelites".
(or one part is, and 19 other parts are not !)
Santa-Claus never existed !!
and if he did ever exist ,
he would be from Finland
and not from Zimbabweh
nor Brazil , nor even Canada.
The same applies to the Israelis
if they ever exist they must be Polish !!
or Ethipian , at least !!
Eng. Moustafa
Damn I'm glad you didn't say the Israeli's were Santa, otehrwise I'd have to lock up my chimney ;o)