Sunday, February 21

when Venus beats the Israeli-soldier
Sahar Peer is a Tennis-player
when she is not an Israeli- Soldier.

Sahar Peer is an Israeli soldiers
who plays Tennis.
At the Dubai Open , she lost
today,  to Miss Venus  Williams

She will obviously fly back tomorrow
safe and sound....... ... but defeated.

The Irony today is that :
an Israeli Soldier is safer in Dubai
than, a Palestinian- leader-activist .

If she would be strangled in her hotel room,
Dubai shall be accused of "anti-semitism" .

The wolfs of business and hyenas of the blind-profit
call this " Normalisation"
whereas Israeli goods and persons
may be exchanged across-borders.

Should you ask me , I say :

Normalisation with the enemy , amounts to collaboration
and any collaboration with an enemy,
 amounts to a treason.

And this is valid also for Amman and Cairo !! .

Anyhow ,
Dubai is not a country ,nor a homeland to anything nor to anyone
it is a Las Vegas of the greed and opportunism
therefore it reassembles Israel ,  in many cases and many faces.....

Sherlock Hommos
Promoter of opportunism as tourism
21 Feb 2010


Israel's Shahar Peer shakes hand with Venus Williams in D<span id=
Venus beats the Israeli-soldier.
in Dubai

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