Sunday, March 22

Oponents ? , Obama ? , Ossama !!
all those 4 men got a free-help
from Israel

If you have opponents , oppositions
or even enemies , just
call Israel for help .....
or even better than that :
do not even call Israel ,
it will come all by itself , for itself .

In the seventies and the eighties ,
ravaged Lebanon to get rid
of the Palestinian-military-presence in
the Lebanon
and even the civilian-Palestinians were not spared.

All that as a courtesy to the Lebanese-fascist-side.

After the death of Rafik el Harriri ,
Israel got busy eliminating all the opponents of Syria
in the Lebanon , Poets, Pimps, Politicians and Journalists
even when Syria never asked Israel to do it .
Israel did it , unasked, as a "courtesy".

In Summer 2006 ,
Israel went in the Lebanon to get rid of an opposition
which was much bothering to Fouad Siniora ,
(the only man who would accept sleeping with Dr. Rice
with the lights on !!)

Hezbollah survived it and even became stronger.
and the bad news is...... that Siniora also has survived,
but anyhow Israel acted like what a bouncer does
outside a discotheque ,
but Israel failed......again

Now, today, Mahmoud Abbas ,
is in a dire-straights and has an opposition that has
even won the elections and has kicked him out of Gaza ,
including all his dirty profiteers..........
And again Israel jumps in to clear the stage ,
from any opposition , from any contradiction
and from any social-democratic-justice !!

So willingly or otherwise ,
many Arab-leaders ought to
be again thankful to Israel.

Who knows ??
soon the King of Saudi-Arabia might need Israel
to illuminate any Democratic-reform-movement

or any Shi'aa-emancipation-organisation
or even any future women-liberation-association.
You never know !!!

Israel is always there to kill , or to blow up
and even to invade anything, anywhere and anyone.

And finally ,
and for the right price ,
Israel will bomb ,
for you,
the White-house , even !!

Sherlock Hommos

Afterall who do you think bombed the Twin-Towers :
Ossama ben Laden ?
Obama ben Biden ?
Obama ben Bush
Israel ???

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