Tuesday, October 20

To judge and to punish

muzzled.jpg MuzzlingSpeech image by ArthurTopham

History will judge all the Arabs
who signed a Peace with our oppressors.
(hunger is not an excuse)

History will judge all non-Arabs
who supported our oppressors .
( guilt-feelings is not an excuse)

History will judge all Palestinians
who collaborated with the oppressor.
(naivety and opportunism are not an excuse !)

The Oslo agreement
and the Peace-Talks
were something
like any morphine-injection.
Repeating such an injection ,
makes it an addiction........
and later , a crime .

Husny Mubarak , King Abdullah
and Mahmoud Abbas
are to be hanged by a legitimate Trial .

As for the western-leaders who support Israel ,
humanity , history and honesty
shall hang them !!

There is nothing legal nor anything humane
about the State of Israel !! .

Zionism is: racism plus colonialism.
If there were no Palestine ,
they would have stolen any other country !!

Raja Chemayel

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