Wednesday, August 12

Why Palestinians should never recognize Israel's 'right to exist

Editorial, Palestine Times, 4/4/07

Israel exists. And the whole world, including the Palestinian people, recognizes the reality of that existence. However, the mere existence of a State, or any other political entity, doesn’t confer legitimacy, especially moral legitimacy. This is why the concept of “moral legitimacy,” otherwise dubbed as “right to exist,” doesn’t exist in international law.

Indeed, if the mere existence of a State confers moral legitimacy, then Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa, to mention just two examples, should have acquired moral legitimacy and “a right to exist.”

But Israel is not a State like any other State. Israel is even more than a fruit of an adulterous relationship; it is an enduring crime against humanity, just as Nazi Germany was a crime against humanity.

Israel has been a criminal entity from day-1, since its very existence came at the expense of the existence of another people, another nation, namely the Palestinian people.

Israel is a country stolen at gunpoint from its rightful proprietors, the Palestinian people. Israeli towns and villages were built on the ruins of Palestinian towns and villages. Israelis themselves live on land that belongs to other people and many Israelis, even today, continue to live in homes wrested from their Palestinian owners. This is cardinal theft probably unprecedented in the annals of history; it is an act of rape, a continuous act of rape, no matter how numerous the cheerleaders who celebrate the legitimacy and morality of their criminal act.

In fact, Israel can be compared to a sick man who murders an innocent person in order to use his heart and other vital organs for transplant. Does such a person have a right to exist? Israel not only has stolen the victim’s organs, but also seized his property, and then denied having done any wrong.

It is true, history is often unkind. However, Israel’s cruelty is not a one-time occurrence. Israel didn’t stop at carrying out genocidal ethnic cleansing in 1948-1949 during which the bulk of the Palestinians were expelled to the four corners of the world. In fact, Israel never ceased murdering Palestinians, stealing their land, destroying their homes and narrowing their horizons. Even today, Israel’s Nazi-like approach toward its victims negates any moral legitimacy Israel may claim to have.

In short, the Palestinian people and their leadership must never agree to recognize “Israel’s right to exist” because the ZionistState simply has no moral right to exist, since this existence happens to be at the expense of another people’s existence.

Indeed, a recognition by the Palestinians of “Israel’s right to existence” implies a whole host of “acknowledgements,” including the following: that the extirpation of the Palestinian people from their homeland from time immemorial was right and justified; that the dozens of genocidal massacres of Palestinians perpetrated by Judeo-Nazis forces, such as Dir Yasin, Tantura, Dawayima, Kfar Qassem, Qibya, Jenin, etc., were also right and justified; and that the mostly Russian and East European Khazara Ashkenazi supremacists belonged to Palestine and Palestine belonged to them, whereas the real natives of the land, the Palestinians, are “Arab” squatters, while the real squatters, the Judeo-Nazi settlers, are the real natives of the land.

In other words, in order to recognize “Israel’s right to exist,” the Palestinians would have to completely and unconditionally adopt the Zionist narrative from A-Z and transform themselves into “Muslim and Christian Zionists.”

More to the point, Israel is actually demanding that we recognize that Israel is a “Jewish State” that belongs to “all the Jews in the world,” or, as one Israeli leader put it recently, that Israel is “a State of the Jews, by the Jews and for the Jews.”

In plain English, Israel wants the Palestinian people, whose patrimony it has stolen and whose national survival it has been seeking to end, to recognize that the Zionist State has the right to be racist, a thief, a murderer and a liar; racist, because the entire Israeli political and judicial infrastructure is based on the supposition that Jews are entitled to more rights and privileges than non-Jews, including those who are Israeli citizens. A thief because Israel stole in broad daylight Palestine from its legitimate proprietors whom it expelled to the four winds and those victims not expelled came to be viewed as “absentees” for the purpose of “legalizing” the theft of their land and property; a murderer because Israel continues to murder Palestinians for daring to oppose the Zionist narrative and for clinging to their homeland.

And to safeguard the colossal crime, Israel resorted to adopting the modus operandi of mendacity and half-truths, benefiting from the huge, Jewish-controlled and Jewish-influenced media throughout the Western world.

In light of these facts, any recognition by the Palestinian people, especially Hamas, of “Israel’s right to exist” will be an act of immense stupidity bordering on moral suicide since such a recognition would imply an acknowledgement that not only does Israel have a right to exist but also that all actions and crimes and behaviour Israel has resorted to safeguard and preserve that right were perfectly and morally right.

Recognition of Israel’s right to exist would thus be analogical to the Jews recognizing that the holocaust was morally justified and that the incineration of people in gas chambers was a moral act.

There is no doubt that Israel is a satanic creature, an evil entity not unlike the Third Reich. But it dos exist and is politically and militarily strong, very much as Nazi Germany once was. But Israel has no moral legitimacy whatsoever because oppression can’t be legitimate, neither according to the rule of man nor the laws of God.

We are not suggesting that Palestinians shouldn’t deal with the reality of Israel. However, dealing with Israel, even negotiating with it, is one thing, and conferring moral legitimacy on it is an entirely different thing.


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  1. Why is there no byline for this marvelous article? The author should be identified!
    Paul Balles

  2. apparition1:54 am

    The Ashkenazi's long list of lies cannot be hidden anymore.

    Robert Goldstone's report was the final nail in the Zionist Israel's racist demonic coffin of hate. Zion's programmed lemming like zombies can no longer hide their dark abyss of conscience or Israel's unmentionable vile crimes against humanity.

    History's most murderous and deceitful culture of charlatans and thieves has endlessly whined about "anti-Semitism" for over 61 years, murdered millions of real life Semites, stolen countless $Trillions from humanity, pretended to be legitimate Jews, exploited legitimate Jews as their patsies, lusted after our children's blood, promoted endless lies for wars, profited obscenely from false witness, greed, and incredibly, they still felt entitled for more.

    Zionist Israel would murder every Muslim and Arab man, woman and child in the Mid East and steal all territories from the Euphrates to the Nile Valley.

    The Goldstone report is the serendipity of Divine Intervention for those black hearted souls whose presence on Planet Earth was an obscene violation against God, Humanity, Nature and Planet Earth. Their arrogantly stupid 9/11 scam was the beginning of their own undoing. They even left their pagan satanic numerological "marks" all over it. NO ONE could ever infiltrate the world's most secured airspace FOUR TIMES IN ONE DAY without Israeli spies within the Pentagon and cooperation from the White House.

    The civilized world finally sees Israel for what it truly is. A demonic police state euphemistically named "Israel" while human beings with conscience are the True State of Israel.

    After the incredibly ugly evilness they have done and their exploitations of honest, pious Jews as patsies, the only thing that awaits their bestial ilk are their gods of darkness who lied them into Moloch's black abyss. "Good Riddance" will be the civilized world's best epitaph.

    Watch now as they try to blame their victims again with even more absurdly stupid lies and vulgarities. It could be entertaining. They cannot afford another 9/11 type false flag scam again because it would be like telling the same joke twice.

    But they are welcome to take the undesirables and ugliness of our governments with them down their path of self destruction.

    Can there be any more doubts about who the true synagogue of satan really is?

  3. Israel is uniquely evil and can be compared to no other entity. Its 'legitimacy' is merely pathological consequence of the ineptitude and residual evil of the nations that allowed it to exist in the first place.
    Comparisons of Israel to any other entities only mask the true nature and subversiveness of Israel and ultimately gives it the (engineered) opportunity to jump out of the birthday cake at a time of its choosing.

  4. Anonymous9:16 am

    I could not say it better than previous 3 writers. Israel is product - "child" - of Zionism and nations within reach of Israels illegal WMD are in danger and actualy blackmailed by this "satanic, colonial ideology".
    I myself believe in worlds of Jew-scollar N.Finkelstein: "Israel has to FIRST suffer defeat".... before anything else. If I reseach in any /long list in history/ forms of "just solutions" proposed and ofcourse rejected by Israel, I simply dont see any other outcome from this then... War in M.East. Hate against this sadistic ideology among majority of population as "suprising force" will emerge in days of horrors when Israel unleash its rasist LAST war against its neigbours and humanity.
    And when it comes, then this ideology Zionism and its child Israel must be destroyed without mercy. And,dont give me anybody the lessons about "innocent" in Israel. Did Israel have shown mercy in its 61 years old history? Did ever? petr,
