Sunday, July 6

Settlers Attack Bishop's Car Near Ramallah Why Are Christians Not Speaking Out For Their Brother's In Christ

Palestinian cars attacked near Bethlehem
Jewish Israeli settlers have assaulted, on Sunday, a Christian cleric as he was traveling between Bethlehem and his church, in the village of Abud, northwest Ramallah. Cars were also attacked near Zatara, east of Bethlehem.

According to Ma’an News Agency, Bishop Abud Atallah Issawi was traveling in a private car, in the company of another priest, on the main road near the village of Deir Abu Mashal, when a group of settlers attacked them with stones and steel bars.

The car sustained major damage, Ma'an reports, but the priests were not hurt, according to locals.

The bishop managed to drive away, taking a bypass route to his church. 

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:51 am

    As a catholic we are taught to forgive. For the christian community to speak out in outrage we accomplish nothing Productive... that would only breed hate and conflict. . Yes in the moment we would defend our brothers but after the fact we can only give thanks God protected them and they were not harmed and pray that the offenders find grace and the hatred in their hearts be healed.
