Wednesday, August 12

Stay Cool: The Children of Gaza and more

Note: A few recipients indicated that I could write more often and make the messages shorter. I would like to hear from more people their opinion about length, frequency, and content of these messages.

Apartheid Israel institutes new procedures and tightening its fascist grip on the colonized/occupied to prevent International support by Toufic Haddad

(Video) Lest we forget: Stay cool; the children of Gaza

(Video) Israeli PR (supported by Palestinain and Western Elites who profit) claim that life is booming in the West Bank and checkpoints are removed. Booming economy for some maybe (I see lots of fancy late model cars and SUVs). But the average person does not see it. Here is the checkpoint at Birzeit which was supposedly vacated but soldiers seem to come and go at their will to harass people like this group that was held for 5 hours. Atara/Birzeit checkpoint video:

On Dignity and Solidarity. A thoughtful article by the late Edward Said that is still on target and worth reading and rereading. Since this article was written several years ago the symptoms that Edward Said spoke of have only intensified. Many observers believe that conditions in Palestine are ripening for a revolution.

How the Israel lobby took control of US foreign policy by Jeff Gates

See also: Anti-Zionists: The New Heretics by Jeff Gates

On the radio: Voice of Palestine, Canada will be interviewing this Tuesday August 11, 2009 between 8:00-9:00 pm PDT (Pacific Time) Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh from Bethlehem. Dr. Qumsiyeh is the President of the Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People - - and is a professor at Birzeit and Bethlehem Universities in the occupied West Bank. We will talk with him about the Fateh Convention that is being held in Bethlehem and the reaction of the Palestinian street towards this convention. We will also discuss the conference he attended in Toronto in June about mapping models for the future of Israel/Palestine. Voice of Palestine broadcasts weekly on Vancouver Cooperative Radio (CFRO) 102.7 FM, Vancouver, Canada. The show broadcasts for one hour every Tuesday night from 8 to 9 pm PDT (Wed. morning from 6:00-7:00am Palestine time). It first went on the air in September 1987, and has hit the airwaves every week since then. People outside of Vancouver can listen to the show live on the Internet

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD

A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home

Bethlehem, Palestine


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