Wednesday, November 26

Christans can't have their mass thanks to Israel

Gaza Christians without Sunday mass

Israel bans Apostolic Delegate and Latin Patriarchate priests from entering Gaza to pray thereOn Sunday, November 23rd -The Israeli authorities banned the Papal Nuncio in Israel Archbishop Antonio Franco from entering Gaza and celebrating mass there, despite previous coordination with relevant parties at the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and senior Israeli Army command since last Tuesday.

Papal Nuncio Archbishop Franco arrived this morning to Erez Crossing at about 8:15 AM, accompanied by Latin Patriarchate priests Fr. Shawqi Baterian and Fr. Humam Khzouz as well with the Nunciature secretary, but was banned to enter to Gaza.

Contacts held with senior officials at the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Chief Coordinator of Civil Administration`s Office, during which the mentioned delegation stayed for over than three hours at the Crossing, but the Israeli authorities insisted not to allow the delegation enter into Gaza, while allowing several Red Cross and United Nations teams in, as several Palestinians out of Gaza Strip.

It should be mentioned that Papal Nuncio Archbishop Antonio Franco, who is also the Apostolic Delegate in Jerusalem and Palestine, had the intention to celebrate mass at the Holy Family Church in Gaza with local faithful the last Sunday before advent season begins, to highlight that the Holy See is close to the people in Gaza, and its Christian communities in these difficult days.

It should be mentioned also that the parish of Gaza is vacant, since its parish priest, Monsignor Manuel Mussallam, was allowed to go out of Gaza last week to visit his family in Bir Zeit (West Bank) after eight years in Gaza.

The vacant post of Gaza parish priest and the Israeli rejection to allow Archbishop Franco and his companions to enter Gaza, left Gaza faithful with no mass.

Therefore, what happened today is considered not only violation to diplomatic relations between states, but also violation to the right of faithful to hold their worship with no obstacles, at least during Sundays and feasts

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