Saturday, February 23

"Palestinian Christians live in constant fear"

News and Action items

Question for those who claim Israel
is the tail of the dog and the tail does not wag the dog.
Can you explain to us why a memorandum of understanding
(still in effect today, renewed every five years) obliges the US
to give Israel oil even when the US itself is in shortage? See

The original memorandum between the US and Israel is posted at

This Week in Palestine deals with environmental
issues in the latest edition

(Is this because they worry about companies
now aiding Israeli apartheid?)
Department of Justice [sic] Urges Supreme Court
to Stop Lawsuit Alleging Companies Aided Apartheid

To read more about Israel relationship to South Africa
And for how British and American Jewish organizations
sided with Apartheid, see the book Community and
Conscience: The Jews in Apartheid South Africa
By Gideon Shimoni

A war for Israel video

Action 1: Join the Wheels of Justice Network
to work for justice which brings peace

Action 2 (your school can be next):
London School of Economics students
vote to divest from Israel

Action 3: In Ref to: "Palestinian Christians
live in constant fear [of Muslims]"
I wrote a letter to the editor (copy below)
you can write your own letter and send it through this link:

As a Palestinian Christian, I found the article
"Palestinian Christians live in constant fear"
by Father Raymond J. De Souza to be highly offensive.
He blames Muslims for the economic and other hardships
of Palestinian Christians who live under a brutal Israeli
occupation. But the facts, as is said, do not cease to exist
because they are ignored. Forty years before Hamas was
founded, Palestinians Muslims and Christians were expelled
to make place for a self described Jewish state. Two of the
three main Palestinian guerrilla groups beginning in 1965
that fought Israel were led by Palestinian Christians.
Palestinian Christians are leading non-violent
(and sometimes violent) resistance even as we speak.
The proportion of Palestinian Christians among
refugees in 1948 was exactly their proportion in the
general population. The Israeli occupation army
home demolished 7000 Palestinian homes in the
last seven years that included both Christian and
Muslim homes. Yes, there are conflicts internally
among Palestinians (also proportional to population
so more probability of conflict between a Muslims and a
Muslim than between a Muslim and a Christian). An Israeli
General predicted such conflicts under occupation and
starvation stating that: "when we have settled the land,
the Arabs will be like cockroaches in a bottle". It is
curious that the author admits that Palestinian Christians
under occupation would "tell foreign visitors that they have
excellent relations with their Muslim neighbours."
He dismisses that as being due to threats by Muslims!
Well, how about Palestinian Christians inside Israel who
say the same thing or Palestinian Christians who live outside
(like me) or Palestinian Christian denominational leaders?
The leading Palestinian intellectual and author in the US
was the late Prof. Edward Said, a Christian. Dare we read his
books including "The Question of Palestine"? Here is a link
of relevant Christian websites that give a dose of reality: .

Dare we read them? Why not invite me
(or any of those listed) to speak to your community?
What would Jesus want us "to do" about Muslims
(or Jews that matter)? Dare we reread the
Sermon on the Mount?

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD

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