Sunday, March 30

On the Backs of Palestinians


A few months ago, as I was flipping through the many channels late

one night, a show entitled “On the Wings of Eagles” caught my attention.
This show, which was really nothing more than a “paid advertisement”
from a coalition of Born Again Christian and Jewish Zionists, was being
shown over and over again on many different channels. They tried to
present this as a “sort of documentary” of a mission of mercy.

As I watched this show, it began to sink in what their mission was.
They were collecting money ($250 to bring ONE Jew from the former
USSR to Israel) to help “airlift Jews” from the former USSR “home” to
Israel. They kept showing footage of new Russian immigrants landing at
Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport and being greeted as “New Israeli Citizens”
coming home. The narrator of the program made it seem that these “Jews”
(I use this term with a great amount of reservation since it is widely known
that more than 50% of these so-called Jews are not Jews at all) were
being delivered from Pharaohs grip all over again!

As I watched I was bombarded by calls to call the 800 number and make
a donation of $250 for every Jew that I want to bring “home” to Israel and
fulfill God’s will. The narrator kept on emphasizing that this is one way of
pleasing God and that he would bestow MANY blessing on those that
helped with this worthy cause…After about 30 minutes, I decided to
call the 800 number and have some “fun”…

· Operator: God bless you! How would you like your name
to appear on the certificate of blessings?

· Me: Thank you! But before we get into that, I want
to get some information if that is OK with you?

· Operator: What can I help you with?

· Me: Well as a “Christian” I want to thank you for all
you are doing. God bless all those that seek to help others.
I think that what you are doing is a worthy cause…

· Operator: GREAT! How many Jews will you
be helping to bring “home”

· Me: Wait a minute not so fast! Let me finish…

· Operator: OK sir, but we are very busy assisting
others to achieve their blessings from God…

· Me: Anyway, as much as I find your cause a worthy
one AND being a “Christian” myself, I want to know if my
money could be used to bring “HOME” Christians to
Palestine, after all, Christianity’s origins are in Palestine
AND there are hundreds of thousands of Palestinian
Christians who are refugees because they were ethnically
cleansed from their homes by the Zionists… Would it not
be also a source of blessing AND a way to please God to
alleviate their suffering and bring them home?
What do you say?

· Operator: One moment please
(he is apparently speaking to a supervisor)…I am back,
sir at this time, this mission of mercy is limited to Jews only…

· Me: Jews ONLY! Why is that?

· Operator: I don’t know sir, but we are only
bringing Jews home at this time…

· Me: Will you be bringing Christians home to
Palestine in the future? After all, they are the original
Christians and they are suffering in exile due to being
driven out of their homes and lands by the Zionists…

· Operator: One moment please (again consulting with
a supervisor) No sir, we have no future plans to bring
Christians home JUST Jews…How many Jews will you be
bringing home?

· Me: Hold on for a moment, I just have a few more
questions before I hand over my hard earned money.
Is that OK with you?

· Operator: Yes, BUT we are pressed for time as
people are calling from all over the country…

· Me: OK, I will be brief…Are we helping the Jews to
ingather so that we can hasten the second coming of
the Messiah?

· Operator: One moment (brief silence) Yes sir
we are helping fulfill the prophecies…

· Me: Great…That means that when all of the Jews are
gathered in Palestine, I mean Israel, then there will be a
hastening of Armageddon, which would then mean that
nearly 90% of the Jews will be slaughtered, while the
remaining 10% will covert to Christianity and we will all
know peace…Isn’t that right? If that is the case then, I am
all for this mission of “mercy” and contributing to doing
God’s work! God bless you and your work!

· Operator: I really don’t know anything about that…

· Me: What do you mean? All of us “Christians”
know about the fulfillment of this prophecy.
Don’t you?

· Operator: NO sir…

· Me: Well why not? What kind of a Christian are you?

· Operator: I am not a Christian. I am a Buddhist…
This is just a job for me to earn some extra money…

· Me: (Laughing out loud)…Sam you made my day and
NO I will not be sending you any money nor be helping to
further the expulsion of Palestinians from the Holy Land…
Your employers should be ashamed of themselves…Have a
good day Sam! God bless Palestine and ALL Palestinians!

After I got off of the phone, I did a little research and found that the
so-called “Christian Embassy” in Jerusalem, which is a front for the
born again Christian Zionists, is in collaboration with Zionist groups
in Israel to raise money and produced the paid advertisement called
“On the Wings of Eagles”…The name of the program should be
called on the “Backs of Palestinians”…

Ps…For the record I am a Muslim…


Mike Odetalla..."A seed in the eternal fruit of Palestine"

"Come, I'll tell you about Palestine"

My Home Town:

The link to the website of Palestine Children's Welfare Fund ...
Click to buy Palestinian embroidery online, sponsor a Palestinian
child, buy a flag or a Kuffiya to feed one, or a donation of 25
dollars to plant an olive or orange tree in honor of some one you
know or to commemorate a hero of yours .

“The ink of the scholar is holier more than the blood of the martyr"-
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)


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