Sunday, January 20

Palestinians Should Go Live in Arab Countries?

Andrew Silvera

Palestinians Should Go Live
in Arab Countries
Did I say nice stuff about Mike Huckabee?
Please forget it. What follows is an exchange
he had with Wolf Blitzer on CNN a few weeks back
(I can't make the link work, so I'm not including it)
in which he calls for an Israeli state in all of
Mandatory Palestine, from the Jordan to the
sea, and there's enough room for the Arabs
in Arab lands. There won't be "kumbaya" between
Muslims and Jews, sayeth Huckabee. They've
been fighting since Abraham. O.K., and what
about Jews and Christians, and Christians
and Muslims?

Let's understand the politics here. Bill Kristol
and the neoconservatives believe that the Christian
right is essential to Israel's fortunes in the U.S.
It gives the Israel lobby a bigger footprint. And it's
not just neocons, but more mainstream Israel
supporters who have expressed delight that the
Christians are on board. But these groups are
essentially against a two-state solution and for
the colonialist settlement project. Which
means that more liberal Jews have to figure
out where they stand on this one. Wolf Blitzer
is clearly disturbed by Huckabee's views. He's
a former AIPAC staffer, Blitzer; and he didn't
ask the ultimate question: How are you
going to move the Palestinians out of
Palestine? With bulldozers?


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