Sunday, January 20


Andrew Silvera

To: The Secretary
General of the United Nations
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world."
– Margaret Mead

Kofi Annan declared that the United States
invasion of Iraq was "illegal". It is important
that this development at The United Nations
be brought to mass attention and that we
begin to participate with the United Nations
in bringing the Bush regime to justice.
A ray of light and hope exists now, but it
is up to all of you now reading this petition to
do something. We urge you to contact Kofi
Annan with the message at the bottom of this
petition. Please tell him to continue to pursue
his investigation of the war crimes committed
in Iraq. The recent bombing of Mosques
and napalming in Falluja are amongst the
most recent atrocities performed by The
United States military in our name:

You can contact The United Nations
Court of Justice at the following e-mail addresses:
UN Headquarters
First Avenue at 46th Street
New York, NY 10017

The International Court of

Thank you for your time and efforts, and try
to keep in mind that leaders of countries can
be arrested on foreign soil, so if George W.
Bush, and his regime ever travel to another
country, they can legally be arrested
for war crimes.

Secretary General of
the United Nations,

We, Citizens of the United States and of the
World, the senders of this petition to you, urge
you, as spokesman for the world's peoples,
to investigate war crimes committed by the
Bush Administration.

President Bush and his Cabinet are guilty of
the following crimes against humanity and
violations of international laws.

1.Pre-emptive war.

The United Nations was founded after World
War Two, in the attempt to stop future wars and
create a world body that would be able to
peacefully resolve the conflicts among
nations and peoples. The United States'
attack on Iraq was in complete violation of those
laws. Pre-emptive war as a form of self-defense
is not permitted. The reasons for starting this
illegal war were deliberate lies, the real
motivations being for oil and empire.

Hundreds of thousands have died, mostly civilian
Iraqis in there home country by an invading army
from across the sea. Unjustly attacking them for
a crime Iraq was not guilty of… The World Trade
Center Attacks. The excuse that Saddam Hussein
was a mass-murdering dictator that had to be
removed from power can be equally applied to
George W Bush and his associates who
supplied Saddam Hussein with weapons
during the war with Iran. This Iraq War II
was planned well before 911 as spelled out
in the "Project For a New American Century's"
manifesto. It had nothing to do with 911.

That was yet to happen. If George W. Bush and
the people who direct him are allowed to
continue unchallenged and not brought to
justice, we will find ourselves living on a
nightmarish planet in the mists of unending
wars against all other nations that oppose us,
and possibly, World War Three.

2. Torture.

George W. Bush as Commander in Chief of the
United States military is responsible for the torture
and prisoner abuse that was allowed to happen
under his command, until it became a public
disgrace with the revelations of the happenings
at Abu Grahib prison.
Furthermore, the Bush Administration refuses
to publicly oppose such abuse, not only in the
international community, but also within their
own country disregarding the Geneva Convention.
Torture is a WAR CRIME!

3. Destruction of Religious Temples.

The bombing of Mosques in Falluja is an
atrocity that is an insult to every religion on
Earth, and is totally against all international
laws. This is a WAR CRIME!

4. Napalm.

The Bush Administration is using napalm
on the people of Falluja. This is a WAR CRIME!
People in the United States are not even aware
that we are Napalming Iraq.

5.Killing of Civilians.

Innocent men, women, and children are dying.
The controlled American media has been instructed
not to refer to them as "civilians" anymore. Deliberate
killing of civilians is a WAR CRIME!

6. Radioactive Weapons

The Bush Administration has used more than
2200 tons of depleted uranium weapons.
Depleted Uranium is both chemically toxic
and radioactive, and has been linked to Gulf
War Syndrome. It is truly a terrorist weapon
with horrific effects not only during the war,
but also on unborn generations of malformed
fetuses. Areas of Iraq are now uninhabitable
for very long periods of time. DU has a half-life
of 4.5 billion years. This deliberate radioactive
contamination of areas of Iraq is a WAR CRIME.

For all the above stated reasons we ask you
to fulfill the United Nations promise for a safer
and more peaceful world and begin the indictment
process of the criminal that now heads the most
dangerous and most powerful country on Earth.
George W Bush and his

"The only thing necessary for the
triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
-Edmond Burke


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