Wednesday, November 28

Today in Palestine! ~ Headlines November 28, 2007

Brought to you by Shadi Fadda
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Settler pogrom in Funduk Village
While leaders utter peace cliches to the media en route to Annapolis, the settlers conduct a pogrom against a Palestinian civil population, in a campaign of indiscriminate violent revenge at the killing of their fellow - all, with the active support of the soldiers under the authority of Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert.

Israeli naval forces kill one Palestinian Police Officer in southern Gaza
Israeli naval forces on Wednesday afternoon killed one Palestinian Police Officer and injured three others near the southern Gaza city of Gaza, local sources reported.

Israeli missiles that struck a Hamas security position in the southern Gaza Strip killed two Hamas naval police officers on Wednesday, Hamas and Palestinian medical workers said.

Israeli army kills a Palestinian farmer in Rafah, as death toll rises to six in 24 hours
Six Palestinians, including resistance fighters, have been killed by the Israeli army in Gaza over the past 24 hours.

Israeli Army Abducts Two Young Men From Azzun, Shoots Three Teenagers Critically Injuring One, and Assaults Human Rights Workers
Approximately 10 military vehicles invaded and took over the residential streets of Azzun Tuesday mid-afternoon, abducting two young men, terrorizing the residents, and shooting 3 teenagers with live ammunition. Residents report that over 200 Israeli soldiers, including Special Forces, entered the old city quarter around 2:45 pm from different ...

IMEMC's Photographer beaten and detained by PA Security in Bethlehem
Palestinian Security forces assaulted and detained IMEMC's photographer and news producer Ghassan Bannoura as he was covering an anti-Annapolis demonstration in Bethlehem on Tuesday afternoon.

Human Rights group calls for solidarity with Palestinians

At a Wednesday press conferenence in Gaza city, Human Rights group 'The Committee for Breaking the Siege called for heightened international cooperation in underway efforts to lift the Israeli-imposed seiege on the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian politicians condemn attacks on journalists
The Palestinian National Initiative member, Al Mubadar, and the PLO executive committee member, Tayseer Khalid, on Tuesday condemned the actions of the Palestinian Security forces in forciby dispersing a series of anti-Annapolis demonstrations in the West Bank cities of Ramallah, Hebron, Bethlehem and Nablus.

Woman dies after being denied medical treatment
On Saturday morning, 24 November 2007, a Palestinian patient from the Gaza Strip died as Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) refused to grant her permission to enter Israel to receive medical treatment at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv. The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) strongly condemns measures taken by IOF violating Palestinians' right to health, and denying them access to hospitals outside the Gaza Strip. PCHR also demands IOF to allow Rowaida 'Omar Shakshak, who is in a serious health condition, to receive urgent medical treatment outside the Gaza Strip.

Israei Army Violence at Roadblock Removal in Izbat at Tabib
The people of Izbat at Tabib, together with Israeli and international activists, partially removed a new roadblock cutting off their access to route 55, the road linking Nablus and Qalqilya. Work started to remove the earth mound roadblock at approximately 11.30am. Within ten minutes the Israeli army arrived, who threatened to use force if the workers did not evacuate the area within ten minutes. Defiantly, the workers continued until more soldiers arrived on the scene and threw two sound bombs into the crowd, reducing a nearby elderly woman to tears.

Palestinian security men open fire at W.Bank funeral
A Palestinian was seriously wounded in the West Bank on Wednesday when President Mahmoud Abbas's security forces opened fire at a funeral for a man killed in a protest against Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, medics said. Witnesses said that Abbas's forces fired into the air to disperse the crowd of thousands after mourners began throwing stones at the security officers.

Apartheid Masked: Demonstrations for the protection the fundamental rights of Palestinians turned ugly
On Tuesday, the 27th of November, non-violent demonstrations calling to uphold the fundamental rights of Palestinians turned ugly. In demonstrations across the West Bank, from Ramallah, to Bethlehem, to Hebron, protesters were set upon by Palestinian police for stating their opinions. The non-violent protesters came from all walks of life.

Stop the Wall: Declaration of Principles and National Rights
Out of our serious concern for our national cause and legitimate rights, which have been under direct and systematic attack from the Israeli Occupation and the United States, who wish to liquidate the Palestinian struggle by taking advantage of the split that has weakened us in the face of the huge pressure that they and their allies have brought to bear.

Vatican cardinal: Palestinians have right to return to homeland

A senior Vatican cardinal said on Wednesday that all Palestinian refugees had a right to return to their homeland. Cardinal Renato Martino, head of the Vatican department that formulates refugee policy, made the comment as U.S. President George W. Bush was set to revive long-stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks at a White House summit.

Coexistence in Gaza
As Sunday dawns in Gaza City the traditional Islamic call to prayer mingles melodically with church bells. Side by side, mosque and church doors swing open, welcoming the faithful. Greetings are eagerly exchanged. The October kidnapping and murder of Rami Ayyad, the manager of Gaza's only Christian bookstore, sent shudders through the Christian community. Was this a hate crime or simply a tragic occurrence? Monsignor Manuel Musallam, head of Gaza's Roman Catholic community, doubts the attack was religiously motivated.

IBA bans TV ad for Bedouins' rights
TV campaign urging government to take responsibility for unrecognized Bedouin villages in south suspended by Israel Broadcasting Authority. Organizations behind ad claim IBA censored campaign.

Dutch pro-Palestinian conference shelved after Histadrut intervenes

The Netherlands' largest trade union has shelved its plans to hold a Palestinian solidarity conference Thursday, the 60th anniversary of the UN vote on the Partition Plan. Last week's annulment, which ended concerns of a boycott against Israel, came after the Histadrut labor federation insisted it be invited, Haaretz has learned.

Palestinian Authority prepares for war - with Hamas
Few Palestinian Authority officials are expecting anything concrete to emerge from this week's Middle East peace talks in Annapolis, Md. Instead, the talk is of war. But the primary enemy for many Palestinians is no longer Israel - it is Hamas. Since Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip by force in June, supporters of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement have been arrested, humiliated and tortured there by Hamas security forces. Several have been killed, according to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights and other agencies.

U.S. urges Israel to let Palestinian ambulances move

The United States on Tuesday called on Israel to fully implement an agreement allowing Palestinian Red Crescent ambulances to move freely in Palestinian territory and through Israeli checkpoints. John Bellinger, legal adviser at the U.S. State Department, also said that the Israeli relief organization Magen David Adom (MDA) and the Palestinian Red Crescent (PRC) were close to reaching an agreement for PRC ambulances to enter Jerusalem. "We have been urging the Israeli government at the highest levels to cut through the red tape -- still in accordance with their laws -- but to try to move as quickly as possible to help the societies work out the agreement for the operation of these ambulances...," Bellinger told a news.

Gaza's bleak reality
Tzipi Livni says the world can be divided into two: The good guys, who came to Annapolis, the ones who want to make peace - and the bad guys, who oppose the conference and want to sabotage peace efforts. According to the foreign minister, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) and his friends in the Ramallah government belong to the good guys. The Hamas leader in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, belongs to the bad guys. But Haniyeh is responsible for the fate of some 1.5 million Palestinians, and they and the place they live in are supposed to be an integral part of the agreement that is the underlying reason for holding the conference. Even with all its goodwill, in the best case scenario, Israel can only give Abu Mazen about half the kingdom. In order to transfer the other half to him, the Israel Defense Forces will have to recapture Gaza.

The right to our land must be restored
This week in Annapolis, Maryland the United States government will host a conference between Palestinian and Israeli leaders to launch peace talks on a permanent agreement. A vital component of the peace proposals to be discussed involves exchanges of territory that would allow Israel to keep its West Bank "settlement blocs" while compensating Palestinians with land inside Israel.

Separate but unequal in Palestine: The road to apartheid
On the eve of the meeting intended to restart negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians at Annapolis, Maryland, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announced that Israel will build no new West Bank settlements, but will not "strangle" existing Israel settlements. This means that construction in the 149 existing Israeli settlements throughout the West Bank that are strangling Palestinians, including the settlements on our village's land, will continue unchecked. Olmert's cynical announcement underlines our fear that Israel, with US support, will insist on retaining most West Bank settlements in the upcoming negotiations, locking Palestinians into a "separate but unequal" position.

The Deliberate Policy of Wasting the West Bank

When you witness it, you are left in disbelief; how can it be happening? But it is occurring daily; what seems to be purposeful hindrances to West Bank residents that reduce Palestinians, who have meager demands and normal needs, to total despair and deprivation.

LEBANON: Violent Politics Play Out in Packed Refugee Camps
On the edge of Beirut's suburbs lies Bourj al-Barajneh, a Palestinian enclave located at the heart of a Shiite neighbourhood, traditionally the domain of Iran-backed Hezbollah. Here, 17,000 Palestinian refugees are amassed on a minuscule swath of land, co-existing in a fragile truce among run-down buildings and muddy streets.

Arab MK: Signature campaign unlawful
Education Ministry's campaign to have high school students sign Declaration of Independence for Israel's 60th anniversary irks MK. Nafaa: Campaign is political, harmful and illegal.

IDF soldier arrested for stealing 200 shekels from Palestinian car

Soldier charged with looting – an offense punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment - for pocketing bill found during search of Palestinian car at West Bank checkpoint. Defense attorney says soldier used stolen money to pay off family debts.

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