Friday, July 27

Today in Palestine! ~ Headlines July 27, 2007 ~

Brought to you by Shadi Fadda

PCHR weekly report: 4 killed, 11 injured during the past week
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) has published its weekly report for the period covering July 19th to 25th, 2007. During the week-long period, four Palestinians were killed, another died of earlier injuries, and 11 Palestinians, including five children, were injured. 73 Palestinians were abducted by Israeli forces in 29 separate invasions of Palestinian areas during the week.

Israel-OPT: Three years after ICJ barrier ruling, access to land still a problem
Three years ago, in July 2004, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague issued an advisory opinion, which, by a vote of 14 to one, declared the barrier illegal, and expressed particular concern that parts of it were being built within the occupied Palestinian territory .

OPT-ISRAEL: Gaza 'almost completely' aid-dependent
"There is no doubt, Gaza is becoming aid-dependent," said Liz Sime from CARE International, in light of the continued closure of all crossing points, except for basic food commodities and humanitarian aid.

News feature: Poor prospects for 6,000 Palestinians stranded in Sinai
Heat, hopelessness and the feeling of having been abandoned are what Mohammed Sukkar, 32, must continue to endure for the foreseeable future. Yet 12 days ago when his father died at home in the Gaza Strip and he wasn't able to attend his burial, he made a desperate attempt to charge the wall that separates Egypt and the Gaza Strip.

Palestinians stranded at Rafah Crossing resort to begging, says Addamir Palestinian Rights Organisation
Palestinian rights Organisation Addamir has issued a statement on Tuesday saying that Palestinians who are standed at the Rafah Crossing on the Egypt-Gaza border are now begging in the streets after having spent all their money.

Weekly nonviolent demonstration held in village of Bil'in
On Friday, the village of Bil'in, located near the central West Bank city of Ramallah, held its weekly protest against the illegal Israeli wall that separates the village from its agricultural land.

Union of Disabled Palestinians office raided by Israeli troops
In an Israeli invasion of the city of Qalqilia Thursday, troops raided the office of the Union of Disabled Palestinians in the West Bank city.The soldiers ransacked the office, stealing documents, audio tapes, photographs and equipment. They damaged the office and equipment inside, according to local reports. The Union of Disabled Palestinians is an organization that was established by disabled individuals in order to educate the Palestinian public about the needs and rights of people with disabilities, as well as to lobby the Palestinian Authority to increase and improve accessibility for people with disabilities throughout Palestine.

Israeli army launches inquiry into shooting
The Israeli army said it launched a wide ranging-investigation on Friday after soldiers commandeered a Palestinian taxi and then shot and wounded an unarmed man near the West Bank City of Hebron.

Israeli Army Company suspended after unprovoked attack
An Israeli Army company has been suspended after members shot and seriously wounded an innocent Palestinian in the south Hebron hills on Thursday. The head of Israeli central command, Major General Gadi Shamni, ordered the suspension of the company after a military probe revealed numerous procedural failings in the relevant battalion and a failure on the part of the forces involved to report the attack.

Palestinian student dies of wounds sustained in university brawl
A university student shot during a brawl between supporters of Fatah and Hamas at a West Bank university died of his wounds Friday, hospital officials said. The student, 20-year-old Mohammed Radad, was shot by Fatah-allied gunmen on Tuesday, when students aligned with the rival groups clashes on the campus of An Najah University in Nablus. Palestinian security forces intervened, accompanied by Fatah men in civilian clothes, wounding three students with gunfire. Witnesses said Radad, a Hamas supporter, was shot in the head by one of the armed men.
Three Palestinian resistance leaders killed by Israeli missile in Gaza City
Thursday afternoon, an unmanned drone plane controlled by the Israeli airforce fired two missiles at a car driving south of Gaza City, killing three men and injuring four. The deceased were identified as Khalil Daifi, and Ahmed Abd Al-el, and Omar Al Khatib, leaders in the Al Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad.

US to fund defense systems for Israel
Congress to vote on DoD budget proposal asking for tens of millions of dollars for development, purchase of new systems to defend Israeli skies against ballistic missiles.

Palestinians "technically" could vote in 3 months
The Palestinian authorities have the technical ability to run elections in three months, the Electoral Commission said on Friday, but there is no plan to do so despite the president's call for an early vote.

Abbas planning to amend PA electoral rules to hamper Hamas
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said on Thursday he would decree a change in Palestinian electoral rules that might make it harder for Hamas to maintain the parliamentary majority they won last year.

PA government platform excludes 'armed struggle' from platform
The Palestinian Authority government platform published today omits for the first time any reference to armed struggle against Israel.  The Arabic word "muqawma" – which literally translates to "resistance" but is generally understood to refer to armed resistance – has appeared in all previous PA platforms. The newly-released document instead commits the government to the call of Palestinian President and PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas for "popular struggle against the Israeli occupation," which includes demonstrations and political activism.

IDF: PA helped foil terror attacks against Israel

Israel and the Palestinian Authority have resumed limited security cooperation in recent weeks, considered to be the most significant exchanges of this type in the past six years.

Commission slams Palestinian security, calls for trials
A top-level commission on Friday levelled stinging criticism against Palestinian security forces and called for officers to face trial over the debacle in which Hamas seized the Gaza Strip.
Turning Palestine's Most Valuable Natural Resource into a Political Tool
Gaza was a Gas for Blair: It's always nice to start a new job with a trick up your sleeve, and the Middle East's new envoy Tony Blair could be forgiven for thinking he has just that. In the near future, a $4bn deal to exploit Gaza's offshore gas reserves will be signed by the Israeli government, Britain's BG Group (BG), the Palestinian Authority (PA)'s investment arm, the Palestine Investment Fund (PIF) and Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC). Environmental considerations notwithstanding, an injection of this kind of capital into the occupied territories could transform the political landscape.

Associates of PM Fayad planning alternative to Fatah, Hamas
A group of Palestinian politicians, business people and other key political players have been working in recent weeks on an initiative to form a new political movement that would not be affiliated with either Fatah or Hamas.

Dubious EU support to US challenged
BRUSSELS, Jul 25 (IPS) - The European Union's foreign policy supremo Javier Solana this week declared himself "fully behind" the call for an international conference on the Middle East made recently by US President George W. Bush. But is it time for the EU to cease being guided on the Israeli-Palestinian question by the United States, which as the main supplier of weapons to the Israeli military is partisan by definition? Nathalie Tocci from the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels contends that the EU is "working on the margins of US-dictated policies" in the Middle East and that this has proven counterproductive. 

Israeli navy commander resigning over failure in 2006 Lebanon war
JERUSALEM: The Israeli navy commander, Admiral David Ben Bashat, has resigned his post over failures during last summer's war between Israel and Hezbollah guerrillas, senior security officials said Thursday.

Abbas's gamble
As the war of words between Hamas and Fatah continues, Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas seems determined to organise presidential and legislative elections in the occupied territories, with or without Hamas's participation.

Licence to kill
The four men in traditional Arab garb didn't attract the attention of Ahmed Khalil, 27, when he drew near his farm not far from the town of Beit Hanun in northern Gaza. They looked like the vegetable merchants who usually come to buy produce in the early hours of the day. But as soon as they approached, two of them fired at his head with pistols equipped with silencers. He died immediately.

Abbas wants talks with Israel, but not dialogue with Hamas
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas reiterated his refusal to negotiate with the Hamas movement as long as they maintain what he sees as illegal control over the Gaza Strip. Abbas also expressed hope that there will be a "comprehensive peace with the Israelis within one year."

Deposed government officials accuse Palestinian Authority of siezing Islamic funds

The waqf administration, the body overseeing Islamic charities, in the deposed government is accusing the finance ministry in the West Bank-based caretaker government of seizing Waqf bank accounts and transferring the money to their own accounts in Ramallah.

Grand Mufti of Jerusalem condemns Israeli construction plans near Al Aqsa Mosque
Jerusalem – Ma'an - The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and the Palestinian Lands, Mohammad Ahmad Hussein, condemned what he sees as an Israeli plot against Jerusalem's Al Aqsa Mosque.

Commentary: Bush's real agenda in Palestine

The Hamas government crackdown on Mohamed Dahlan's corrupt security forces and affiliated gangs in the Gaza Strip in June appears to mark a turning point in the Bush administration's foreign policy regarding Palestine and Israel. The supposed shift, however, is nothing but a continuation of Washington's efforts to stifle Palestinian democracy, to widen the chasm separating Hamas and Fatah, and to ensure the success of the Israeli project, which is focussed on colonising and annexing what remains of Palestinian land.

Anthology of bigotry

Israel's parliament last week approved by an overwhelming majority the first reading of a bill to ensure that much of the country's inhabited land remains accessible to Jewish citizens only -- a move described by one leading local newspaper as turning Israel into a "racist Jewish state".

Where Murder Is Easy
In the six weeks since Hamas took power in Gaza, the territory has become neither a model of efficient justice nor a repressive Islamist state. That doesn't explain why so few care about the killing of the Juha sisters.

Motto is still 'victory or death' but new-style Hamas prefers the former

One o'clock in the morning, and the streets of this Palestinian town near the Gaza-Israeli border appear to be deserted. Then Abu Ahmed, a senior Hamas militant, mutters a few words into his radio and the dark lane is suddenly alive with men in black uniforms and balaclavas, toting guns and rocket-propelled grenades.

Audio: Crossing the Line interviews Ali Abunimah
This week on Crossing the Line: Ali Abunimah co-founder of The Electronic Intifada breaks down the hegemony of Israel and the United States in regards to supporting Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Fatah in the aftermath of Hamas' takeover of Gaza. Plus Dr. Marcy Newman gives an update on the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared.



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