Wednesday, November 28

We’ll Come to Gaza “END ‘al Nakba’ NOW!”

We’ll Come to Gaza

“END ‘al Nakba’ NOW!

This was going to be called, Welcome to Gaza but something changed over the course of writing it up and if you want to know why, keep reading. There is a little saying where I come from, “don’t shit on your own door step” but I ask you, ”60 years of Israel’s independence next year, how can anyone even imagine, or entertain the idea of celebrating anything, while this is going on?”

While you’re reading – you might like to watch and listen to this:

Peace Con kicks off with 6 dead in 24 hours.

Bulldozers, tanks & fighter planes.

Welcome to Gaza

Barghouthi: Israel Makes a Failure of Annapolis before it even Begins
Palestinian National Initiative - Palestine Monitor 22 November 2007

Dr. Barghouthi began his presentation with an examination of the controlled humanitarian crisis being maintained by Israel in Gaza. Cont:
Never a truer word has been said but it does not stop there:
Israeli army kills a Palestinian farmer in Rafah, as death toll rises to six in 24 hours. By Rami Almeghari November 27, 2007
Six Palestinians killed by the Israeli army in Gaza during the past 24 hours.

Early on Tuesday morning, Palestinian medics pronounced the death of Ali Alsufi, a 55-year-old local farmer in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah, after the Israeli soldiers opened fire at him.
Gaza Fears Israeli Push to Smash Hamas

Big Israeli armoured bulldozers, guarded by a stationary escort of tanks and armoured personnel carriers half-hidden in the adjacent sandbanks, were operating all along the exposed walk south on the Palestinian side of the hi-tech Erez terminal separating Gaza from Israel yesterday. More:

Not Through Annapolis: Path to Middle East Peace Lies in Popular Organizing Against US - Israeli ‘Rejectionism’.” Noam Chomsky
November 27th, 2007
That reminded me of something, I once it said: “HOPE, Palestinians live on it” but then: “HOPE has two children. The first is ANGER at the way things are and the second is COURAGE to DO SOMETHING about it.” St. Augustine
Maybe another true word but Popular Organising, whats that then? I think it’s going to take a bit more than signing a petition to sort this one (by all means don’t let it stop you but here’s an idea; it’s pretty obvious our governments aren’t doing much about this humanitarian crisis, International Law and UNSC Resolutions are being made a mockery of, the crux of this matter may well fall into the laps of, wait for it, WE THE PEOPLE!
Stuff your summers in Bethlehem, lets do the month of May 2008 END ‘al Nakba’ NOW in Gaza, how about making a pledge, say, “If you the governments of the world can’t make it so, we can go a few days at least without having to hear or read about daily shootings, demolitions of homes and wells or deaths from the restrictions of movement, then WE’LL COME TO GAZA.”
There, that’s it then and is the best I can think of, anyone interested in making that pledge, get a message to the Window into Palestine email below, I mean, there is already a boat going, why don’t we join em?
While we’re all thinking about it and in the meantime:
November 29th, 1947 Let’s face it! 60th anniversaries don’t come round that often & we should use the next 6 months to remind the wider world of every act of ethnic cleansing, the numbers and names of the families massacred and the names of every razed village but as well as commemorate, we should celebrate, 60 years of stoic resistance.
Please help to build this cause by inviting your friends & ask them to invite theirs.

The Palestinian International Campaign - End Gaza Siege

Tell them of the site where they can post news, blogs, videos and messages of support for the people of Gaza and the OPTs. The email address is:
We’re looking for a million and a half to messages to match the number of people suffering collective punishment in Gaza.
If you come across any article or video that relates to Gaza or Palestine and you get an option to Digg, Fark, Stumbleon, get on it! Any little opportunity to raise awareness of this GENOCIDAL SIEGE, it all helps.
Please help to build this cause, if you are a member of any other groups / forums besides this one, then please promote this petition, if you haven’t already signed, then please do: URGENT Petition:
For a comprehensive list of email addresses for UN Officials around the world: and the above petition in 5 or more languages.

In Peace & Solidarity for A Free Gaza & Free Palestine!


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