Friday, November 30

Israeli military announces readiness to invade Gaza, IMEMC


Please write/fax/email your Foreign Ministry asap with something akin to this:

Earlier this year the UK Foreign Office described Israel's activities in Lebanon last year as disproportionate, upon reading the below article it would appear a similar occurrence is set to happen imminently. This year, do you think, at the very least, we can have a statement condemning the move before the event? Do you not think the people of Gaza have suffered enough? As a UK citizen I am becoming extremely concerned that my government can just sit back and watch and is basically, complicit with this 'happening' GENOCIDE! I am literally begging you Mr Miliband, ACT NOW before this atrocity happens.
Yours Sincerely,

Israeli military announces readiness to invade Gaza

Saed Bannoura - IMEMC

Friday November 30, 2007

The preparations for a mass invasion of Gaza are complete, said an Israeli source on Thursday. Israeli officials said the thousands of troops and dozens of tanks currently stationed on the Gaza border are not going to launch an invasion unless Palestinian resistance factions fire homemade shells across the border first.

The Israeli daily newspaper Maariv reported that the chances of a major Israeli incursion into the Gaza Strip have increased now the Annapolis conference is over.

An Israeli military spokesman said that "the Israeli response will come swiftly" if any projectiles are fired across the border. All troops are trained and ready for an invasion, according to the Israeli army.

Israeli forces have killed ten Palestinians in Gaza over the last week, by air strikes and missiles fired from ships stationed offshore.

An outright invasion of Gaza, one of the most crowded places on earth, would likely result in much higher casualties.

Israeli forces control all entry and exit from the Gaza Strip, and have prevented all Palestinian movement in and out since September, resulting in the deaths of several patients in dire need of medical care. http://
The Israeli daily newspaper Maariv reported that the chances of a major Israeli incursion into the Gaza Strip have increased now the Annapolis conference is over.

Israeli tanks and thousands of troops are not expected to enter Gaza Strip within the next few days, but if Palestinians launch projectiles that cause Israeli casualties, "the Israeli response will come swiftly in the form of a serious military operation for the first time since the Israeli disengagement from the Gaza Strip," according to the newspaper.
It already seems obvious to me now, that the Peace Con was more of a private debate – how to deal with Hamas – and that this 'swift response' will be wholly disproportionate and how many innocent civilians will be paying the price?
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End the siege on Gaza now....ãÚÇ áÃÌá Ýß ÇáÍÕÇÑ Úä ÛÒÉ.



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