Wednesday, October 17

Hamas criticizes W. Bank governor for mishandling crisis in refugee camp

Hamas Movement has accused the governor of Nablus Jamal Al-Muhaisen of dealing with the needs of those refugees affected by the invasion of the IOF troops of al-Ain refugee camp in a discriminatory manner.

Furthermore, the Movement criticized the Ma'an news agency for publishing a news report entitled "Hamas attacks and defends Nablus governor at the backdrop of evaluating the damage at al-Ain refugee camp." In the article the editor claimed that some websites close to Hamas attacked the governor while an activist associated with Hamas in the West Bank refuted the news when he was contacted by phone.

Hamas said that the movement issued no statement in this regard, but the news published on those websites regarding the factionalism of the governor is true and everyone at the refugee camp knows it, that is why a state of disgruntlement was prevailing in the refugee camp as the affected inhabitants underlined that the governor should have acted in a patriotic manner and should have dealt with his constituents evenhandedly regardless of their political affiliations.

While agreeing with news on the factionalism of the governor Hamas stressed that the movement's official views regarding any matter should be taken either from statements issued by the movement or made by its spokesmen.

The person that the Ma'an news agency claimed to have contacted denied receiving any phone calls for the agency according to Hamas's statement.

Finally Hamas called on the Ma'an news agency to investigate the part about contacting Mr. Mahmoud Diab, the person whom the paper described as "associated with Hamas", because he denies any such contact, and to correct the news report accordingly.


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