Monday, March 15


Image by David Dees
For over 60 years zionism has lied to the world. They have us believe that their state is the ‘Only Democracy in the Middle East’….. they want us to believe that they are the ‘good guys’  surrounded by a sea of enemies.

Now that they are possibly being ‘called’ on specific issues, rather than admit the errors of their way, they merely twist the truth to get their way….. Unfortunately they probably will as they have for all these years.

Below you can see their attitudes and positions…. with one MAJOR flaw…. Abe Foxman speaks for the right wing, racist ADL…. NOT THE AMERICAN JEWISH COMMUNITY, certainly not for anyone I know.

ADL chief: Flawed U.S. policy is undermining Mideast peace

Abraham Foxman has headed the Anti-Defamation League since the 1980s, serving often as an unofficial spokesman for the American Jewish community on issues of anti-Semitism and other affairs. Who is to blame for the current crisis in the U.S.-Israeli relationship?
In the short term Israel is, but in the long term – the U.S. This is a flawed policy that we are seeing in the Middle East, that we were very much concerned about in the beginning of this administration, and that is to what extent this linkage will play in the policy and in the strategy of this administration. There are a lot of people in this administration who had advocated linkage – that all you have to do to resolve all the problems in the Arab Middle East is to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. And it’s a fantasy and an illusion that has been out there for a long time. But this administration has bought into this concept – even [Vice President Joe] Biden’s language, that if we don’t resolve this conflict American soldiers will die – that’s the worst of that fallacy. When the secretary of state then says that it harms the bilateral relationship – what happens between the Palestinians and Israelis impacts American security. The solution of the problem is in Baghdad, Kabul, Tehran, maybe in Riyadh and Cairo. Not in Jerusalem.

Do you believe that if Netanyahu, as Martin Indyk suggested, announces a stop to all provocative actions in East Jerusalem, it will repair the damage?
So what’s the next price? The belief that you can bring peace by placating the Arab position is wrong. Whatever you give, the answer is “no, come back with more.” If freezing settlements is not enough, now it’s Jerusalem. And then what? I don’t understand why the U.S. doesn’t say to the Palestinians: “Isn’t peace in your interest? Why does Israel have to pay the price for the proximity talks?” Isn’t talking to Israel in [Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas'] interest so he can see what can or cannot be done?”
It’s not the first time Israel’s right wing government has embarrassed American officials.
Should Obama visit Israel himself in the near future? I don’t think we should count too much on that. When we made too much of it we got the vice president, and look what happened.
I’ve heard one analyst suggesting Israelis don’t like Obama because of his color and middle name.
I think Israelis are not happy with him because of his policy. I think it has nothing to do with his name or his color.

The above are excerpts from THIS report….

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