Sunday, July 19

The Israeli Lobby Can't Get Along When It Comes To Iran

Pro-Israel lobby groups have split reactions to Iran deal

Two influential pro-Israel lobby groups, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and J Street, appear split in their reactions to the Iran nuclear deal announced by President Obama this morning.
AIPAC, which has been advocating for stricter terms in the deal, said Tuesday that it is “deeply concerned” that the agreement may not meet the “five requirements” the group says are necessary for a good deal. Those are: unimpeded access to inspect Iran nuclear sites; a full explanation by Iran on all of its prior nuclear work; gradual sanctions relief only after Iran meets its obligations under the agreement; long-term prevention of Iran nuclear weapons; and requirements that Iran dismantle its nuclear infrastructure and give up its uranium.
But J Street, which has been lobbying in support of the deal, welcomed the agreement, saying Tuesday that it appears to meet the parameters outlined in an earlier April framework.

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