Sunday, August 9

Hiroshima and more

70 years ago, on August 6 and August 9, hthe US government of Harry Truman dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Here is from my visit and speak on that anniversary August 6, 2013 in Hirshima: . This is the same Truman that pushed successfully to create nuclear armed apartheid state of Israel that is terrorizing Palestinians and has committed hundreds of massacres. Today Saad Dawabshe died of his severe burns. He is the father of 18 month old martyr Ali who was burned alive in the attack by racist Jewish colonial settlers on their family home. The mother and second child still in critical condition. And the world leaves a group of “pyromaniacs led by an egalomaniac” running a tinderbox (not my words but words of an ex-Director of Israel’s security service, see below). But the struggle goes on.

Today Saad Dawabshe died of his severe burns. He is the father of 18 month old martyr Ali who was burned alive in the attack by racist Jewish colonial settlers on their family home. The mother and second child still in critical condition. And the world leaves a group of “pyromaniacs led by an egalomaniac” running a tinderbox (not my words but words of an ex-Director of Israel’s security service, see below). But the struggle goes on.

Workshop at the Palestine Museum of Natural History (map here ).
Monday 10 August at 3 PM
Reflections on Food Sovereignty & Local Food Systems in occupied Palestine & Australia
Food sovereignty practices vary around the world according to culture, context and capital.  This presentation presents stories from occupied Palestine and Australia providing an analysis of attempts to enact practices of food sovereignty.
Rasha will facilitate this workshop. She is a nutritionist, researcher and artist interested in the space where art and health intersect – exploring connections with our selves, bodies, communities and ecologies.  Her curiosity led her to study and practice in the fields of nutrition, herbal medicine, public health and the arts – developing a holistic approach to her practice.  Having worked on various projects across health promotion, alternative food systems, food sovereignty, and sustainability.  Her work draws on themes around phenomenology, health, culture, feminist issues, spirituality and humans’ place in society and their natural environment.

This week we are participating in Bethlehem Live festival (see )

Increasing Neonatal Mortality among Palestine Refugees in the Gaza Strip

A living heritage: my town Beit Sahour

Shin Bet (Israel's internal security) ex-chief makes a bold diagnosis of Israeli body politics (a bunch of pyromaniacs headed by an egalomaniac)

Shlomo Sand: ‘I wish to resign and cease considering myself a Jew’
His past was Jewish, but today he sees Israel as one of the most racist societies in the western world. Historian Shlomo Sand explains why he doesn’t want to be Jewish anymore. Shlomo Sand, The Guardian

Reminder: I will be giving a talk at Diyar's Palestine Diaspora Conference August 10-13 in Bethlehem

Lying Chancellor resigns at University of Illinois but will earn $300,000 as professor. Wise was involved in unfairly targeting activist Professor Steven Salaita because of speaking out against the massacres in Gaza

Mazin Qumsiyeh
Professor and Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine

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