from Motorola
The US Campaign to End the Israeli
Occupation is excited to announce
the launch of our newest corporate
accountability campaign-
"Hang Up on Motorola".
Under international law, all
corporations have obligations to uphold, respect and protect
fundamental human rights. Motorola Incorporated and its
fully-owned subsidiary Motorola Israel profiteer from
Israel's illegal military occupation and human rights violations,
as we document below.
1. Fuses for aerial devices and munitions
Motorola Israel-a fully-owned subsidiary of MotorolaIncorporated-produces the 980 Low Altitude Proximity
Fuse for the MK-80 series of high explosive bombs.
On July 30, 2006, during its war on Lebanon, the
Israeli Air Force dropped an MK-84 high-explosive
bomb on an apartment building in Qana, Lebanon
killing at least 28 civilians, many of whom were children.
2. Communication devices for military occupation
The $100 million contract used to develop and supply
the 'Mountain Rose' secure cell phone communication
system to the Israeli military directly enhances the
coordination and monitoring capabilities of the
occupying forces in their illegal military operations in
the Palestinian territories. Israel routinely engages in
gross patters of human rights violations in its military
occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem,
and the Gaza Strip, including but not limited to the killing
and injuring of civilians, torture, extra-judicial
assassinations, the deliberate destruction of civilian
infrastructure, acts of collective punishment and
economic warfare are but a few examples of Israel's
human rights violations.
3. Radar detection devices for Israel's illegal Wall
Motorola Israel supplies Israel with the Wide Area
Surveillance System (WAAS) to monitor and maintain
the illegal wall/fence barrier it has constructed in
violation of the July 2004 International Court of Justice
(ICJ) advisory opinion.
4. Radar Detection devices for
Israel's Illegal Settlements
Motorola Incorporated set up advanced radar
detection devices and thermal cameras in 47 Israeli
settlements. According to the Fourth Geneva Conventions,
Article 49, it is considered a war crime for an Occupying
Power to transfer its civilian population into an Occupied
Territories. Motorola Incorporated provisions of these
systems helps to entrench them on expropriated Palestinian
territory, in direct violation of international law.
All of these concerns previously were brought to Motorola,
yet they have failed to respond to our concerns as well as
sufficiently address the concerns by the New England
United Methodist Church's divestment task force.
Join us to demand that Motorola and its
fully-owned subsidiary Motorola Israel:
end its production and sales of fuses
for all weapons to Israel
end its production and sales of all communication
devices to the Israeli military including all radar
detection devices
end its production and sales of all products that aid
and support Israel's illegal settlements
Here's How:
Send a letter to Motorola CEO Greg Brown
calling on Motorola
to stop profiteering from
Israel's illegal military occupation and
human rights abuses by clicking here.
Read the US Campaign's letter to
Motorola by clicking here.
Download a petition and postcards that
you can circulate to
educate and organize people on this issue
Sign up to receive an organizing
packet by clicking here.
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