Tuesday, March 4

Press Release: Condoleezza Rice is Unwelcome in Palestine


Press Release:

Condoleezza Rice is Unwelcome in Palestine

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
who remained silent while Israel
slaughtered 122 Gazans with all
the force of its army, the 4th largest
army in the world, is once again
visiting while we, Palestinians,
bury and mourn our dead.
She and her government have
nothing to offer Palestinians
except more empty words and
bloodshed. Hers is a colonial and
racist agenda which must not be
allowed to flourish in Palestine.

Her unwelcome visit comes at a time
when Israel is launching its genocidal
war against the Palestinian people.
American sources announced today
that the US had been informed of
Israel's plan to attack Gaza in
advance. The American official
position vis-à-vis the Gaza massacre
is to blame the victim. What is
happening in Palestine, and Lebanon,
for Rice is the "birth pangs of a New
Middle East," the underside of which
is the blood of the toddlers of Palestine.

This visit must be boycotted by
Palestinians as a protest against
Israel’s wanton destruction in the
Gaza Strip - and as a protest against
the ongoing collusion and support
of the United States. These visits
have brought nothing but suffering to
Palestinians, with over 300
Palestinians being killed since
these Annapolis-sponsored talks
began in November 2007.

Those who remember the children of
Gaza who perished at the
hands of Israeli missiles,
American-made helicopter gunships,
F16 and artillery fire, cannot allow
these meetings to continue.
This visit must be boycotted because
it will lead Palestinians nowhere.
We call on all Palestinians to show Rice,
and the intransigent US and Israeli
governments that we will not stand idly
by while they commit a holocaust.
We demand that they stop now and
we say to them: We shall overcome


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