Thursday, February 28

Urgent Press Release: Israel Massacres 18 Palestinians, including a toddler

Press Release

Israel Massacres 18 Palestinians, including a toddler.

Last night the Israeli Occupation Forces began a new round of war
crimes against the Palestinian people of Gaza. This has so far
resulted in the brutal killings of 18 Palestinians, including a 5
months toddler and 3 other children. This brings today's toll alone to
23 Palestinian martyrs. Since the visit of President Bush to the area,
Apartheid Israel has killed more than 200 Palestinians, most of whom
are civilians and children.

In addition, last night's unprecedented horrific air strikes have
created extreme feelings of fear and anxiety and prevented the whole
Gaza Strip population from sleeping at night. They have also induced
feelings of terror in children and babies, who are already exhibiting
anxious and clinging behaviour.

The One Democratic State condemns in the strongest terms the Israeli
war crimes committed against our people in the Gaza Strip. We call on
the international community and the Arab and Islamic worlds, to take
up their responsibility to protect the Palestinian people from this
heinous aggression and immediately terminate the continuing Israeli
policy of collective punishment.

If the international community does not exert pressure on Apartheid
Israel to conduct itself within the boundaries of international
humanitarian law and ensure the protection of all Palestinian
civilians, more massacres will be committed. Palestinian toddlers
deserve to live.

One Democratic State Group

+ 972 599 322636
+ 09 972 599 410 741

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