The WIP mission has never stopped and will continue to challenge misrepresentation on Palestine by being the source of opinions and news.
Our readers can rest assured that going into the future, our plans include: maintaining our social media independence, as well as fulfilling our quest of having a new site designed and up and running as well as the a publishing of a book, as well as to continue with the blog, along with projects in Canada to educate about Palestine.
As we continue your comments would be helpful so we urge you to send all feedback on what you like and don't like as well as what you would like to see as we roll out the new site.
To do this your help is needed more then ever, as we are far behind in the financial goal we have set to make our goals a reality, we thank those that have provided financial support a few months back and hope that they and new supporters arrive to help WIP.
Please subscribe to keep updated, as well share our postings online to your friends in Facebook and Twitter as well as the other social media outlets.
Without YOUR help it can not continue to exist or grow.
We know around the globe, times are hard, trust me, no one knows that more then me but what ever you can afford will be greatly appreciated and remember inviting people to like our face book page https://www.facebook.com/WindowPalestine that has seen real growth over the past year with postings that have reached tens of thousands weekly, so please share our postings as well as let your friends and family know about Window into Palestine.
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In Solidarity for a Free Palestine With Free Palestinian People
Thank you.
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