Thursday, July 24

Jewish & Arab people: "We Refuse To Be Enemies" in the National Day of Action for an immediate ceasefire and end to the assault on Gaza

Jewish And Arab People Are Posing Together In Inspiring
Photos Saying "We Refuse To Be Enemies"
Go to link for the pictures.
That slogan has now turned into an international social media
campaign against the civilian deaths in the ongoing
Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
People are sharing photos of themselves holding pieces of
paper demanding an end to the violence and supporting the
civilians under attack.

Most of the people sharing photos are of Israeli and Palestinian
Join the National Day of Action for an immediate ceasefire
and end to the assault on Gaza, Thursday July 24.
(or whenever you can)

 Call the Senate: (202) 224-3121
Tell your Senator: Urge an immediate ceasefire. The U.S.
can and should join the international call, including the
United Nations Security Council, for an immediate ceasefire.
 Instead last week, the Senate voted to send an additional
$621 million to Israel, on top of the $3.1 billion already being
sent to Israel every year which is largely military aid. Our
government’s one-sided support to Israel is causing misery
for the people of Gaza and Israel. 

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