Monday, January 27

Apartheid faeces hits the Netanyahu fan

The apartheid faeces has hit the fan – that of Binyamin Netanyahu, no less.
The Israeli prime minister is under fire after it came to light that his son is – hold your breath – dating a non-Jewish woman!
Yair Netanyahu, 23, is said to be dating 25-year-old Norwegian Sandra Leikanger, currently studying in Israel.
Members of the Israeli parliament and Jewish supremacist organizations demanded that Netanyahu do something about the matter, saying that it was unseemly for the son of the leader of the Jewish state to be dating a non-Jewish girl. One parliamentarian, Nissim Zeev, told the Jerusalem Post on 26 January that Netanyahu must “display national responsibility” as prime minister and put an end to this racial disaster.
Lehava, one of a plethora of racist Jewish organizations, urged Netanyahu “to prevent this relationship. Your grandchildren, as you know, will not be Jewish” if the two marry, Lehava director Bentzi Gopshtain warned the Israeli premier in a Facebook post.
Speaking on a local radio station on 27 January Arieh Deri, the leader of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party, said the relationship was no mere personal matter because Netanyahu is a “symbol of the Jewish people”, the New York Times reports.
“I know friends of mine who invest tens of millions and more, hundreds of millions to fight assimilation in the world,” Deri told the Kol Barama station. “If God forbid it’s true, woe to us.”
Other groups called on Netanyahu to put a stop to the relationship, the New York Times says. Even Netanyahu’s brother in law, Hagai Ben-Artzi, took to the airwaves to speak out against it.
“Yair should know that if he does such a thing, if he doesn’t break off the relationship, then… he is spitting on the graves of his grandmother and grandfather who loved him so much and raised him,” Ben-Artzi told Kikar Shabbat, an ultra-Orthodox news website.
The fact that top Israeli opinion formers, as well as the prime minister’s own relatives, are openly expressing such racism should not surprise anyone. After all, Israel is now officially the world’s only apartheid state.
What is surprising is the fact that none of the supposedly liberal and open minded Western media has expressed any revulsion at this latest example of Jewish racism.


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